Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
he sent them down no power:  their dwelling shall be the fire of hell; and the receptacle of the wicked shall be miserable.  God had already made good unto you his promise, when ye destroyed them by his permission, until ye became faint-hearted, and disputed concerning the command of the apostle, and were rebellious; after God had shown you what ye desired.  Some of you chose this present world, and others of you chose the world to come.  Then he turned you to flight from before them, that he might make trial of you (but he hath now pardoned you; for God is endued with beneficence towards the faithful); when ye went up as ye fled, and looked not back on any; while the apostle called you, in the uttermost part of you.  Therefore God rewarded you with affliction on affliction, that ye be not grieved hereafter for the spoils which ye fail of, nor for that which befalleth you; for God is well acquainted with whatever ye do.  Then he sent down upon you after affliction security; soft sleep which fell on some part of you; but other parts were troubled by their own souls; falsely thinking of God a foolish imagination, saying, Will anything of the matter happen unto us?  Say, Verily the matter belongeth wholly unto God.  They concealed in their minds what they declared not unto thee; saying, If anything of the matter had happened unto us, we had not been slain here.  Answer, If ye had been in your houses, verily they would have gone forth to fight, whose slaughter was decreed, to the places where they died, and this came to pass that God might try what was in your breasts, and might discern what was in your hearts; for God knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts of men.  Verily they among you who turned their backs on the day whereon the two armies met each other at Ohod, Satan caused them to slip, for some crime which they had committed:  but now hath God forgiven them; for God is gracious and merciful.  O true believers, be not as they who believe not, and said of their brethren, when they had journeyed in the land or had been at war, If they had been with us, those had not died, nor had these been slain:  whereas what befell them was so ordained that God might make it matter of sighing in their hearts.  God giveth life, and causeth to die:  and God seeth that which ye do.  Moreover, if ye be slain, or die in defence of the religion of God; verily pardon from God, and mercy, is better than what they heap together of worldly riches.  And if ye die, or be slain, verily unto God shall ye be gathered.  And as to the mercy granted unto the disobedient from God, thou, O Mohammed, hast been mild towards them; but if thou hadst been severe and hard-hearted, they had surely separated themselves from about thee.  Therefore forgive them, and ask pardon for them:  and consult them in the affair of war; and after thou hast deliberated, trust in God; for God loveth those who trust in him.  If God help you, none shall conquer you; but if he desert you, who is it that
Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.