covenant on this condition? They answered, We
are firmly resolved: God said, Be ye therefore
witnesses; and I also bear witness with you: and
whosoever turneth back after this, they are surely
the transgressors. Do they therefore seek any
other religion but God’s? since to him is resigned
whosoever is in heaven or on earth, voluntarily, or
of force: and to him shall they return.
Say, We believe in God, and that which hath been sent
down unto us, and that which was sent down unto Abraham,
and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and
that which was delivered to Moses, and Jesus, and
the prophets from their Lord; we make no distinction
between any of them; and to him are we resigned.
Whoever followeth any other religion than Islam, it
shall not be accepted of him: and in the next
life he shall be of those who perish. How shall
God direct men who have become infidels after they
had believed, and borne witness that the apostle was
true, and manifest declarations of the divine will
had come unto them? for God directeth not the ungodly
people. Their reward shall be, that on them shall
fall the curse of God, and of angels, and of all mankind:
they shall remain under the same forever; their torment
shall not be mitigated, neither shall they be regarded;
except those who repent after this, and amend; for
God is gracious and merciful. Moreover they who
become infidels after they have believed, and yet
increase in infidelity, their repentance shall in no
wise be accepted, and they are those who go astray.
Verily they who believe not, and die in their unbelief,
the world full of gold shall in no wise be accepted
from any of them, even though he should give it for
his ransom; they shall suffer a grievous punishment,
and they shall have none to help them. Ye will
never attain unto righteousness, until ye give in
alms of that which ye love: and whatever ye give,
God knoweth it. All food was permitted unto the
children of Israel, except what Israel forbade unto
himself before the Pentateuch was sent down. Say
unto the Jews, Bring hither the Pentateuch and read
it, if ye speak truth. Whoever therefore contriveth
a lie against God after this, they will be evil-doers.
Say, God is true: follow ye therefore the religion
of Abraham the orthodox; for he was no idolater.
Verily the first house appointed unto men to worship
in was that which is in Becca;[56] blessed, and a
direction to all creatures. Therein are manifest
signs: the place where Abraham stood; and whoever
entereth therein, shall be safe. And it is a
duty towards God, incumbent on those who are able to
go thither, to visit this house; but whosoever disbelieveth,
verily God needeth not the service of any creature.
Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, why do
ye not believe in the signs of God? Say, O ye
who have received the scriptures, why do ye keep back
from the way of God him who believeth? Ye seek
to make it crooked, and yet are witnesses that it
is the right: but God will not be unmindful of