Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
and say unto them who have received the scriptures, and to the ignorant, Do ye profess the religion of Islam?  Now if they embrace Islam, they are surely directed; but if they turn their backs, verily unto thee belongeth preaching only; for God regardeth his servants.  And unto those who believe not in the signs of God, and slay the prophets without a cause, and put those men to death who teach justice; denounce unto them a painful punishment.  These are they whose works perish in this world, and in that which is to come; and they shall have none to help them.  Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scripture was given?  They were called unto the book of God, that it might judge between them; then some of them turned their backs, and retired afar-off.  This they did because they said, The fire of hell shall by no means touch us, but for a certain number of days:  and that which they had falsely devised, hath deceived them in their religion.  How then will it be with them, when we shall gather them together at the day of judgment,[50] of which there is no doubt; and every soul shall be paid that which it hath gained, neither shall they be treated unjustly?  Say, O God, who possessest the kingdom; thou givest the kingdom unto whom thou wilt, and thou takest away the kingdom from whom thou wilt:  thou exaltest whom thou wilt, and thou humblest whom thou wilt:  in thy hand is good, for thou art almighty.  Thou makest the night to succeed the day:  thou bringest forth the living out of the dead, and thou bringest forth the dead out of the living; and providest food for whom thou wilt without measure.  Let not the faithful take the infidels for their protectors, rather than the faithful:  he who doth this shall not be protected of God at all; unless ye fear any danger from them:  but God warneth you to beware of himself; for unto God must ye return.  Say, Whether ye conceal that which is in your breasts, or whether ye declare it, God knoweth it:  for he knoweth whatever is in heaven, and whatever is on earth:  God is almighty.  On the last day every soul shall find the good which it hath wrought, present; and the evil which it hath wrought, it shall wish that between itself and that were a wide distance:  but God warneth you to beware of himself; for God is gracious unto his servants.  Say, If ye love God, follow me:  then God shall love you, and forgive you your sins; for God is gracious and merciful.  Say, Obey God, and his apostle:  but if ye go back, verily God loveth not the unbelievers.  God hath surely chosen Adam, and Noah, and the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above the rest of the world; a race descending the one from the other:  God is he who heareth and knoweth.  Remember when the wife of Imran said, Lord, verily I have vowed unto thee that which is in my womb, to be dedicated to thy service:  accept it therefore of me; for thou art he who heareth and knoweth.  And when she was delivered of it, she said, Lord, verily I have brought
Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.