Simon Magus eBook

G. R. S. Mead
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 122 pages of information about Simon Magus.

Simon Magus eBook

G. R. S. Mead
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 122 pages of information about Simon Magus.
or dark, sometimes changes its colour, but that white above never changes its colour, it is always white; but that blue changes to these different colours, sometimes to blue or black and sometimes to a red colour, and this unites itself to two sides.  It unites to the above, to that white upper light, and unites itself below to the thing which is under it, which is the burning matter, and this burns and consumes always from the matter below.  And this devours that matter below, which connects with it and upon which the blue light rests, therefore this eats up all which connects with it from below, because it is the nature of it, that it devour and consume everything which depends on it and is dead matter, and therefore it eats up everything which connects with it below, and this white light which rests upon it never consumes itself and never changes its light, and therefore said Moses; “That YHVH thy Elohim is a consuming fire.”  Surely He consumes.  It devours and consumes every thing which rests under it; and on this he said:  “YHVH is thy Elohim” not “our Elohim,” because Moses has been in that white light, Above, which neither devours nor consumes.  Come, See!  It is not His Will to light that blue light that should unite with that white light, only for Israel; because they cleave or connect under Him.  And, Come, See!  Although the nature of that dark or blue light is, that it shall consume every thing which joins with it below, still Israel cleaves on Him, Below, ... and although you cleave in Him nevertheless you exist, because it is written:  “You are all alive this day.”  And on this white light rests above a Hidden Light which is stronger.  Here is the above mystery of that flame which comes out from it, and in it is the Wisdom of the Above.[100]

And if Chaldaea gave the impulse which enshrined the workings of the Cosmos in such graphic symbology as the above, we are not surprised to read in the Chaldaean Oracles ([Greek:  logia]),[101] ascribed to Zoroaster, that “all things are generated from One Fire."[102] And this Fire in its first energizing was intellectual; the first “Creation” was of Mind and not of Works: 

     For the Fire Beyond, the first, did not shut up its power ([Greek: 
     dunamis]) into Matter ([Greek:  hulae]) by Works, but by Mind, for
     the fashioner of the Fiery Cosmos is the Mind of Mind.[103]

A striking similarity with the Simonian system, indeed, rendered all the closer by the Oracle which speaks of that: 

Which first leaped forth from Mind, enveloping Fire with Fire, binding them together that it might interblend the mother-vortices,[104] while retaining the flower of its own Fire.[105]

This “flower” of Fire and the vorticle idea is further explained by the Oracle which says: 

     Thence a trailing whirlwind, the flower of shadowy Fire, leaping
     into the wombs (or hollows) of worlds.  For thence it is that all
     things begin to stretch below their wondrous rays.[106]

Project Gutenberg
Simon Magus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.