Simon Magus eBook

G. R. S. Mead
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 122 pages of information about Simon Magus.

Simon Magus eBook

G. R. S. Mead
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 122 pages of information about Simon Magus.

     The immortals are mortal, and the mortals immortal, the former
     living the death of the latter, and the latter dying the life of
     the former.[99]

Thus all externals are transitory, for “no one has ever been twice on the same stream, for different waters are constantly flowing down,” and therefore in following externals we shall err, for nothing is efficient and forcible except through Harmony, and its subjection to the Divine Fire, the central principle of Life.

Such was the Fire of the distinguished Ephesian, and of like nature was the Fire of Simon with its three primordial hypostases, Incorruptible Form ([Greek:  aphthartos morphae]), Universal Mind ([Greek:  nous ton holon]), and Great Thought ([Greek:  epinoia megalae]), synthesized as the Universal Logos, He who has stood, stands and will stand ([Greek:  ho estos, stas, staesomenos]).

But before passing on to the aeonology of Simon, a short delay, to enquire more fully into the notions of the Initiated among the ancients as to the nature of Mystic Fire, will not be without advantage.

If Simon was a Samaritan and learned in the esoteric interpretation of scripture, he could not have failed to be acquainted with the Kabalah, perhaps even with the now lost Chaldaean Book of Numbers.  Among the books of the Kabalah, the Zohar, or “Book of Splendour,” speaks of the mysterious “Hidden Light,” that which Simon calls the Hidden Fire ([Greek:  to krupton]), and tells us of the “Mystery of the Three Parts of the Fire, which are One” as follows: 

Began Rabbi Sim-on and said:  Two verses are written, “That YHVH thy Elohim is a devouring fire, a zealous Ail (El)” (Deut., iv. 24); again it is written, “But you that cleave unto YHVH your Elohim, are alive, every one of you, this day” (Deut., iv. 4).  On this verse “That YHVH thy Elohim is a consuming fire,” this we said to the companions; That it is a fire which devours fire, and it is a fire which devours itself and consumes itself, because it is a fire which is more mighty than fire, and it has been so confirmed.  But, Come, See!  Whoever desires to know the wisdom of the Holy Unity should look in that flame arising from a burning coal or a lighted lamp.  This flame comes out only when united with another thing.  Come, See!  In the flame which goes up are two lights:  one light is a bright white and one light is united with a dark or blue; the white light is that which is above and ascends in a straight path, and that below is that dark or blue light, and this light below is the throne to the white light and that white light rests upon it, and they unite one to the other so that they are one.  And this dark light, or blue colour, which is below, is the precious throne to the white.  And this is the mystery of the blue.  And this blue dark throne unites itself with another thing to light that from below, and this awakes it to unite with the upper white light, and this blue
Project Gutenberg
Simon Magus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.