Laugh and Live eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Laugh and Live.

Laugh and Live eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Laugh and Live.

No matter what cause we dig up with which to explain our success in life we cannot neglect this most important one—­the careful selection of our acquaintances.  And this doesn’t mean that one must be a snob.  Far from it.  It only means that the successful man, the man who wishes to rise in life, should not spend his days in the company of illiterate companions who do not possess ambition of heart or the will to do the work of the world.  It means that life is too short to hang around the loafing places with the driftwood of humanity listening to their stories of failure and drinking in with liquor some of their bitterness against those who have toiled and won the fruits of their toil.  It means that we will not go out of our way to seek the friendship of men and women who are simply endeavoring to gain happiness in life without paying for it.  It means that we will do all in our power to win friends who aspire nobly and by so doing inspire those with whom they come in contact.  Such men are naturally clean of mind and body.

We must remember always to live in a world of clear thought that will stimulate our ambitions.  Dwelling in the dark corners of life and traveling with the debris of humanity will not arouse us to action and give us that swinging vigor of heart and mind so necessary to the accomplishment of great things.  While we will ever lend the helping hand to those who need it we will naturally associate with those who have vim and courage.  We will not be dragged down by our associates.  Until we meet the right kind we will hold aloof, and we will not be morose and gloomy because it happens that at this moment our acquaintanceship does not include these successes.  When we have succeeded in doing something big they will come to us and if we think big things we are likely to do them.  It is all a matter of the will to do.

“Nothing succeeds like success,” said some very wise man and if there ever was a phrase that rang with truth this does.  It means that the thought of success, the courage that comes with success, leads to more and more success.  It means that the thinker of these thoughts is living in a clean, wholesome atmosphere along with those who are determined and in earnest.  It means that they have caught the fervor of true life ... a healthy, contagious fervor which permeates the blood swiftly once it gets a hold, and like electricity it vivifies and stirs the spirit with renewed energy day after day, year after year.  Once it wins us it will stick with us.  The success of those about us will shake our lethargic limbs and stimulate us to a desire to do as they do.  We will be in a world of clean thought and action and our lives will mirror their lives, our thoughts will be filled with wholesome things and with good health.  We will win in spite of all obstacles.

Project Gutenberg
Laugh and Live from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.