The Poems of Goethe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about The Poems of Goethe.

The Poems of Goethe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about The Poems of Goethe.
Torquato Tasso, Classical drama................... 1787Ä9 The Natural Daughter, Tragedy..................... 1799Ä1803 Gotz von Berlichingen, Prose drama................ 1773 Egmont, Tragedy................................... 1775Ä87 Clavigo, Tragedy.................................. 1774 Stella, Tragedy................................... 1774 The Brother and Sister, Prose drama............... 1776 The Wager, Comedy................................. 1812 The Gross-Cophta, Comedy.......................... 1789 The Burgher-General, Comedy....................... 1793 The Rebels, Political drama....................... 1793 The Triumph of Sensibility, Dramatic whim......... 1777 The Birds, after Aristophanes, Comedy............. 1780 Erwin and Elmire, Melodrama....................... 1775Ä88 Claudine von Villa Bella, Melodrama............... 1775Ä88 Jery and Bately, Melodrama........................ 1779 Lila, Melodrama................................... 1777Ä8 The Fisher-Girl, Melodrama........................ 1782 Sport.  Cunning, and Revenge, Opera Buffa.......... 1785 What we’re bringing, Prelude...................... 1802 Pandora, Drama.................................... 1807Ä8

In addition to the above, there are nearly 20 minor dramatic pieces.

II.  Prose works.

Title date,

Romances and novels:—­

Sorrows of Werther............................. 1774
The Elective Affinities........................ 1809
Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship............... 1777Ä96
Wilhelm Meister’s Wanderings................... 1807Ä29
Conversations of German Emigrants.............. 1793Ä5
Notes on Winckelmann.............................. 1805
Life of Philip Hackert............................ 1810-11
Life of Benvenuto Cellini (Translation)........... 1796Ä1803
Autobiography..................................... 1811Ä31
Letters from Switzerland.......................... 1775Ä1808
Tour in Italy..................................... 1786-1817
French Campaign................................... 1792Ä1822
Annals............................................ 1819-25
Art and Antiquity................................. 1815Ä28
Theory of Colours................................. 1790-1810

In addition to the above, Goethe produced an almost endless number of translations, criticisms, essays, &c.

III.  Poetical works.

Other than those embraced in the plan of the present volume.

Project Gutenberg
The Poems of Goethe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.