Why did not Solomon give the world great inventions such as we now have? ¶ 18.
Did the prophets point to the coming of any special one to earth? ¶ 19.
What prophecy, if any, did the coming of Jesus of Nazareth tend to fulfill? ¶ 19.
How did the coming of Jesus tend to confirm the authenticity
of the
Scriptures? ¶ 20.
Did the prophets understand the meaning of what they wrote concerning the happening of future events? ¶ 21.
What effort did they make to understand? ¶ 21.
Did the angels in heaven understand what the prophets were writing? ¶ 21.
What is meant by the term “the divine plan”? ¶ 22.
Who was the first one to understand the divine plan? ¶ 22.
What was the name of Jesus before he became a man? and what is the significance of his prehuman title? ¶ 22.
What is pictured by the fifth chapter of Revelation? Give the details of the picture. ¶ 22.
Who is the “Lion of the tribe of Judah”? ¶ 23.
What is the symbolic meaning of the words “seven”, “horns,” and “eyes”? and what do these words signify as used in Revelation 5? ¶ 24.
Is there reason to expect that God would grant certain ones from time to time an increased understanding of his plan? and if so, why? ¶ 24.
What does the harp symbolize? ¶ 25.
Where is the record of the divine plan found? ¶ 25.
What does this record reveal concerning man? ¶ 25.
By whom has God spoken his fundamental truths? ¶ 25.
What is the law of God? ¶ 25.
Define law. ¶ 25.
Where is the law of God found? ¶ 25.
What is the meaning of the word David? ¶ 26.
Whom did David picture or typify? ¶ 26.
What did David’s use of the harp typify or picture? ¶ 26.
What is pictured or symbolized by the ten strings of David’s harp? ¶ 26.
Name the ten fundamental truths represented by the strings on the harp. ¶ 26.
How can one learn to use the harp of God? ¶ 27.
What effect is produced upon one who skillfully uses the harp? ¶ 27.
Harps of eternity! begin the song,
Redeemed, and angel harps! begin to God,
Begin the anthem ever sweet and new,
While I extol Him holy, just, and good.
Life, beauty, light, intelligence, and
Eternal, uncreated, infinite!
Unsearchable Jehovah! God of truth!
Maker, upholder, governor of all:
Thyself unmade, ungoverned, unupheld.
Omnipotent, unchangeable, Great God!
Exhaustless fullness! giving unimpaired!
Bounding immensity, unspread, unbound!
Highest and best! beginning, middle, end.
All-seeing Eye! all-seeing, and unseen!
Hearing, unheard! all knowing, and unknown!
Above all praise! above all height of