Had any perfect man lived on the earth from Adam to Jesus? ¶ 213.
Suppose Jesus had been greater than a man when he consecrated at the Jordan, could he have met the divine requirements and become the redeemer of mankind? ¶ 213.
Did Jesus have power to produce a perfect race? and if so, did he in this way correspond to the perfect Adam? ¶ 214.
State what occurred before Pilate. Paraphrase the substance of Pilate’s statement to Jesus. ¶ 214.
Under the Jewish law, what must be the age of a man in order to be qualified as priest? ¶ 214.
What was the age of Jesus when he presented himself to John for baptism? ¶ 215.
Why was it necessary for Jesus to wait until he was thirty years of age to begin his ministry? ¶ 215.
What was the difference between Jesus and prominent men of the earth with reference to receiving attention from others? ¶ 216.
Of what does true greatness consist? ¶ 216.
Why did Jesus say he came to the earth? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 216.
How did Jesus become the servant of all? ¶ 217.
Why was it a sacrifice on the part of Jehovah to send Jesus to earth to redeem man? ¶ 217.
What prompted God to make this sacrifice for man? ¶ 217.
Why did the Pharisees and doctors of the law misrepresent
and persecute
Jesus? ¶ 218.
Why was Satan so anxious to destroy Jesus? ¶ 219.
Why did the scribes and Pharisees occupy a responsible position toward the Jewish people? ¶ 219.
What were some of the crimes Jesus properly charged
against the
Pharisees? and why did he so charge them? ¶ 219.
Did Jesus know that he was to be crucified? and how did he spend his last night with the disciples? ¶ 220.
What were his enemies doing at the same hour? ¶ 220.
What is meant by the Sanhedrin? and who composed it? ¶ 220.
What was the duty of this high court toward the people, including Jesus? ¶ 220.
When this court secretly met, state what was said
by it concerning
Jesus. ¶ 221.
Who were the parties to the conspiracy to destroy Jesus? and whose was the master mind directing them? ¶ 222.
How was Judas brought into the conspiracy? and under what consideration? ¶ 222.
Who was sent out to arrest the Master? ¶ 222.
Did the court have any right to try him at night? ¶ 222.
Did it have a right to cause him to testify against himself? ¶ 223.
Was there any evidence against him? ¶ 223.
What crime did the Sanhedrin commit in getting witnesses against Jesus? ¶ 223.
Did that court violate the Jewish law in voting for his conviction? ¶ 223.
Why did the court reconvene the morning following to ratify the sentence? and was this proper? ¶ 223.
Why did not the Jews put Jesus to death and not take him before Pilate? ¶ 224.