What is the harp? and when was it invented? ¶ 1.
Who invented the harp? and where is mention made of it in the Bible? ¶ 1.
When did God organize the twelve tribes of Israel into a nation? ¶ 2.
What arrangement did God make with the nation of Israel? ¶ 2.
For what purpose was that nation used by Jehovah? ¶ 2.
To what did the nation of Israel consecrate the harp? ¶ 3.
What king of Israel was skilled in the use of the harp? ¶ 3.
Where in the Scriptures is the harp used symbolically? ¶ 3.
On what occasions did the Jews use the harp? ¶ 3.
How many strings were there on Israel’s harp? and what did these symbolize? ¶ 4.
Did the harp at any time have a less number of strings? and if so, what did that picture? ¶ 4.
In what phrase or language is the book of Revelation written? ¶ 5.
Where in the book of Revelation is the harp mentioned? and what kind of beings are pictured as using it? ¶ 5.
What is the first essential to an understanding of God’s plan? ¶ 6.
Name some visible proof of the existence of a Supreme Being or Creator. ¶ 7.
How was David impressed with what he observed of creation? ¶ 8.
How does man’s organism prove the existence of a Supreme Being? ¶ 9.
Who is the Supreme Being or Creator? and what does his name signify? ¶ 10.
Give some Scriptural proof of the existence of Jehovah. ¶ 10.
Name the four primary divine attributes. ¶ 10.
How was divine justice manifested? ¶ 11.
How was divine power manifested? ¶ 11.
How was divine love manifested? ¶ 11.
How was divine wisdom manifested? ¶ 11.
Is there proof that God foreknew the end from the beginning? ¶ 11.
Why should man expect some revelation of the divine plan? ¶ 12.
Has man found a revelation of God’s plan? and if so, where? ¶ 12.
By whom was the Bible written? and what are the two general divisions of it? ¶ 13.
What is meant by the holy spirit? ¶ 14.
What relationship does the holy spirit bear to the Bible and its preparation? ¶ 14.
Who wrote the first five books of the Bible? and under what influence? ¶ 14.
Was the Bible written under inspiration? ¶ 14.
How many prophetic writers contributed to the Old Testament? and does their testimony agree? ¶ 14.
Define history. ¶ 15.
Define prophecy. ¶ 16.
Can a human mind accurately foretell future events? ¶ 17.
What is one of the strongest proofs that the Bible was written under inspiration? ¶ 17.
What relationship do wireless telegraphy and airships bear to fulfilled prophecy? ¶ 18.
Were railway trains foretold by the prophets? and if so, where? ¶ 18.
What other means of rapid transit did the prophets foretell? ¶ 18.