The Harp of God eBook

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Harp of God.

The Harp of God eBook

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Harp of God.

Quote Psalm 50:4. ¶ 584.

What is meant by judging the people? ¶ 584.

When the peoples living on earth begin to be restored to health and strength, of whom will they then think? ¶ 585.

What will they do toward having their beloved dead restored to them? ¶ 585.

What Scriptural proof have we that the Lord will hear their prayers? ¶ 585.

What Scriptural proof have we that the dead will arise from their graves? ¶ 585.

Quote and analyze St. Paul’s argument concerning the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:16-22. ¶ 586.

In what order will the dead be resurrected? that is, will those who have died last or those who have died centuries ago be the first to come forth? ¶ 586.

Quote Jeremiah 31:16,17. ¶ 587.

What is meant in this text by the “land of the enemy”? ¶ 587.

As the dead return from the grave, what will the living do for them? ¶ 588.

What effect will the resurrection have in uniting families? ¶ 588.

Quote Isaiah 35:10. ¶ 588.

Who is there meant by the “ransomed of the Lord”? ¶ 588.

How were the people of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed? ¶ 589.

What will be their final end? ¶ 589.

Quote a Scripture showing that they will return to their former estates as human beings on the earth. ¶ 589.

In what manner will the Messiah rule?  Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 589.

What will be the beneficent effects of this righteous rule, both upon animals and human beings?  Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 590.

Quote Jeremiah 31:34. ¶ 591.

When the Lord remembers their iniquities and sins no more, what will be the condition of the people? ¶ 591.

Quote John 1:29. ¶ 591.

When the sin of the world is gone, what effect will that have upon mankind? ¶ 591.

What Scriptural proof have we that the people will be brought to a condition of health and be cured of sickness? ¶ 592.

Will the peoples of the earth then have ailments and complaints as they do now? ¶ 592.

What effect upon the earth itself will the times of restoration have? ¶ 593.

Will there be room for all the people that are restored to life? ¶ 593.

How many people have lived on the earth and died and gone into their grave? ¶ 593.

How many are now living? ¶ 593.

Give an illustration showing that the earth’s surface will be ample to accommodate all of these. ¶ 593.

What Scriptural evidence have we that the earth will produce sufficient food to sustain the restored ones? ¶ 594.

What Scriptural proof is there that the desolate land of the earth will become like the garden of Eden? ¶ 594.

When will the earth be a fit habitation for man? ¶ 594.

Is any part of earth’s surface being reclaimed now that illustrates the restoration of the earth?  If so, give an instance. ¶ 594.

Project Gutenberg
The Harp of God from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.