The Harp of God eBook

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Harp of God.

The Harp of God eBook

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Harp of God.

Does the Lord indicate the kind of people that will be carried through the time of trouble?  Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 564.

How many people, approximately, are now living on the earth? ¶ 565.

How soon may we expect the present evil order to pass away? ¶ 565.

What catastrophe caused the first world to end? ¶ 566.

How many persons were saved or carried over from that first world to the new order? ¶ 566.

What did Noah and his family represent? ¶ 566.

What promise did God make to Noah immediately following the flood?  Quote the promise. ¶ 566.

What assurance do we gather from this divine promise with reference to those now living on the earth? ¶ 566.

Why can it now be said that millions now living will never die? ¶ 566.

Quote Jesus’ words in John 11:26. ¶ 567.

When will this opportunity of life come to mankind? ¶ 567.

What will be the results to those then living who believe and obey the
Lord? ¶ 567.

What is meant by believing? ¶ 567.

Quote the words of Jesus in John 8:51. ¶ 567.

Do the Scriptures show that all men must hear and gain a knowledge of the truth? ¶ 567.

Is it possible for any one to keep the sayings of Jesus before he knows them? ¶ 567.

What is the condition of the majority of mankind? ¶ 568.

What promise has God made that will be beneficial to those now unrighteous? ¶ 568.

Shall the unrighteous ones in the earth have an opportunity to live? 
Give the Scriptural proof. ¶ 568.

What picture does Job give with reference to restoration in his prophecy, chapter 33, verses 16 to 25? ¶ 569.

Quote these verses of Scripture and explain them. ¶ 570.

Do the Scriptures indicate that some will refuse to obey the righteous rule of the Lord? ¶ 571.

What will be the punishment of those who disobey? ¶ 571.

How long will the Lord permit them to have a trial? ¶ 571.

When the Lord speaks of dividing the people as a shepherd divides his goats and sheep, what is meant? ¶ 572.

What class do the goats represent? ¶ 572.

What class is pictured by the sheep? ¶ 572.

What is meant by everlasting punishment? ¶ 573.

What is meant by everlasting life? ¶ 573.

Does the Apostle define everlasting punishment?  If so, how? ¶ 574.

Who is guaranteed a full opportunity for life? ¶ 575.

What is meant by a gift? ¶ 575.

What things are necessary to make a gift effective? ¶ 575.

Quote the Apostle’s words in 1 Timothy 2:3,4. ¶ 575.

What is meant in this passage by being saved? and what is meant by being brought to a knowledge of the truth? ¶ 575.

Quote two Scriptures showing that life is a gift. ¶ 575.

To whom is this free gift offered? ¶ 576.

Project Gutenberg
The Harp of God from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.