The Harp of God eBook

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Harp of God.

The Harp of God eBook

Joseph Franklin Rutherford
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about The Harp of God.

What did the prophet Isaiah state with reference to the church establishing the earth and causing the people to inherit it? ¶ 551.

To what does every vital doctrine of the divine plan point? ¶ 552.

With what do all the other strings of the harp harmonize? ¶ 552.

Why could not the Jews get life under the law covenant? ¶ 553.

For what purpose was the law covenant made? ¶ 553.

Is there to be a new covenant made for the benefit of man?  Give
Scriptural proof. ¶ 553.

When will the new covenant be sealed? ¶ 554.

State the terms of the new covenant as set forth by St. Paul. ¶ 554.

What opportunity will be granted to the human race under the terms of the new covenant? ¶ 555.

What do the Scriptures say that God will put into their minds and hearts under the terms of this covenant? ¶ 555.

What prominent characters will be resurrected immediately following the making of the new covenant? ¶ 556.

What official positions will these prominent characters occupy in the Messianic kingdom? ¶ 556.

What will the Lord do for the people in the way of instructing them and leading them under the terms of the new covenant, as indicated by the prophets?  Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 557.

What does the Apostle say about whom the Lord will judge when he comes? ¶ 558.

What is meant by the word “quick” as used in the Scriptures above referred to? ¶ 558.

With whom will the Lord deal, first when the new covenant is made? ¶ 558.

Would we expect that he would first awaken the dead and judge them before dealing with the living? ¶ 558.

Will any people be brought through the great time of trouble now on the earth and have an opportunity for restoration blessings?  Give the Scriptural reason for this answer. ¶ 558.

Are there many people now living on the earth who sincerely desire a righteous government? ¶ 559.

What is the extent of their knowledge of the Lord and his arrangement? and what effect has this lack of knowledge had upon them? ¶ 559.

What message has the Lord given to such through his Prophet?  Give the Scriptural proof. ¶ 560.

Why do the words of Isaiah 35:4-6 apply to these who are living and not to those in the graves? ¶ 560.

Will the dead be resurrected minus arms or legs? ¶ 560.

What do the Scriptures say about the body they will have when raised from the dead? ¶ 560.

Having in mind the great number of cripples, deaf, dumb, and lame on the earth now, what will restoration blessings do for them? ¶ 560.

What effect may the beginning of restoration be expected to have on those who observe it? ¶ 561.

For what is the whole creation waiting while it groans in pain?  Give the Scriptural reason. ¶ 562.

For what do these hope and long? ¶ 562.

What effect will the restoration blessings have on those who were crippled during the war? ¶ 563.

Project Gutenberg
The Harp of God from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.