What has been the tendency of so-called Christian denominations since 1878? ¶ 425.
Since that time, how has the Lord’s message in Revelation 18:4 applied to Christians? ¶ 425.
What did the Lord through the Prophet say concerning the gathering of his people at this time? Quote Psalm 50:5. ¶ 425.
What does this prove concerning the Lord’s second presence? ¶ 425.
Do we find the clergy of various denominations anxious to tell of the Lord’s second presence? and if not, why not? ¶ 426.
Why do these distinguished gentlemen scoff and jeer at those who teach the Lord is now present? ¶ 426.
Did the Lord foretell this? Quote the Apostle’s language with reference to it. ¶ 426.
Why did the disciples want to know what would be the proof of the Lord’s presence and of the end of the world? ¶ 427.
Repeat the question that they propounded to Jesus on the Mount of Olives. ¶ 427.
Will the physical earth ever be destroyed? Give Scriptural proof for answer. ¶ 427.
What is meant, then, by the end of the world? ¶ 428.
What became of the first world? ¶ 428.
How many persons were carried over from the first world to that designated as the present evil world? ¶ 428.
What period of time is designated in the Scriptures as the present evil world? ¶ 428.
What Scriptural proof is there as to how the present evil world shall pass away? ¶ 428.
In what world and what part of that world did God make the promise to Abraham that in his seed all the families of the earth should be blessed? ¶ 429.
What was God’s declaration to Zedekiah, the king of Israel? Repeat it. ¶ 429.
When was Zedekiah overthrown? ¶ 430.
Who established the universal gentile empire then? ¶ 430.
When did the “gentile times” begin? and how long must that period last? ¶ 430.
Who is the one spoken of by the Prophet here as “he whose right it is”? ¶ 430.
Would it be reasonable, then, to expect the presence of this mighty One before the overthrow of the old order or present evil world? ¶ 430.
Why was the year 1914 A.D. an important date? ¶ 430.
What would be reasonably expected to be the conduct of the gentile nations after 1914 with reference to continuing in power? ¶ 431.
What does the Revelator say would be the condition of these nations at that time? Quote the Scripture. ¶ 431.
What did Jesus say would mark the beginning of the end of the world? Quote his answer to the question. ¶ 432.
What fulfillment of this prophecy began in 1914? ¶ 432.
How does the fulfillment of this prophecy also mark the fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel (2:44)? ¶ 433.
Why are these kingdoms of earth being broken to pieces? ¶ 433.
Quote the words of Jesus given by various evangelists concerning the persecution of his followers at the end of the world. ¶ 434.