What did Jesus say concerning the latter part of the “time of the end” and in what way it would be indicated? ¶ 409.
Did the apostle Paul indicate that greater light would come to the people at the “time of the end”? ¶ 409.
What other evidence have we of increasing light at that time? ¶ 410.
What class of people have been trodden down for centuries? and when did they begin to get their eyes opened as to their privileges? ¶ 410.
When was the first labor organization formed in the world? ¶ 410.
Enumerate some of the great inventions and discoveries since 1874, marking the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy, and the Lord’s presence, and the “time of the end”. ¶ 410.
What do the Scriptures disclose concerning a parallel between the gospel and the Jewish ages? ¶ 411.
When did the Jewish harvest begin? ¶ 411.
What is meant by the term “harvest”? ¶ 411.
Did Jesus state that there would be a harvest at the end of the world, during his second presence? ¶ 411.
Describe the parallel between the Jewish and the gospel-age harvests. ¶ 411.
The natural harvest of the Jews was used to illustrate what? ¶ 412.
What was the custom following the reaping of the grain by the Jews? ¶ 412.
What would this indicate that we might expect from 1878 to 1918, and following that period? ¶ 412.
In answer to the disciples’ question as to when he would be present, what did Jesus say about the harvest and the sending of messengers? Give the Scriptural proof. ¶ 413.
In Jesus’ statement of Matthew 24:31, what is meant by the word “trumpet”? ¶ 415.
Explain the term “angels” as used in this text. ¶ 416.
Would it be reasonable to expect some special messenger to be used of the Lord during the time of this harvest? ¶ 416.
What did Jesus promise about providing such a messenger? Quote Matthew 24:45-47. ¶ 416.
From 1870 A.D. forward, what evidence do we have in fulfillment of this prophetic statement of the Lord? ¶ 417.
What publication has for some forty years consistently announced the Lord’s second presence? ¶ 417.
From 1878 forward, what evidence has there been of a gathering of Christians, regardless of denominations? ¶ 418.
Describe some of the work done by the special messenger of the Lord. ¶ 418.
Quote the words of the publication The Continent concerning Pastor Russell. ¶ 419.
What society was incorporated in 1884? and what has been its work in connection with the harvest of this age? ¶ 421.
What has been and is the purpose of this society? ¶ 421.
Are these Christians who are thus gathered together followers of any man? ¶ 422.
Quote Matthew 24:28, and give its meaning. ¶ 423.
Jesus likened the true children of God to wheat. What did he use to illustrate imitation Christians? Quote Matthew 13:30. ¶ 424.