State the terms of the arrangement between Honest Heart, the one who presents himself to the Lord, and Jehovah, who justifies and begets him. ¶ 334.
In this arrangement, what office does the Lord Jesus perform? ¶ 334.
What is meant by the word “advocate”? ¶ 334.
Give Scriptural proof that the begetting is in the nature of a contract, both from the Old and the New Testament. ¶ 335.
To what is Honest Heart, or any sacrificer like him, begotten? ¶ 335.
Quote the Scripture with reference to the nature to which he is begotten. ¶ 335.
Should the one thus begotten continue faithful unto death, what is his certain reward? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 335.
One thus begotten is how designated in the Scriptures? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 336.
What is the great hope now of the new creature in Christ? ¶ 336.
Why is it said that he is now dead as a human being? ¶ 337.
As a new creature, does he need renewing? and if so, how is this done? ¶ 337.
Why does not the world know about the development of the new creature? ¶ 337.
How is the new creature transformed? ¶ 337.
What does it mean to be baptized into Christ? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 338.
What is the meaning of water baptism or immersion? ¶ 338.
Is there any virtue in water baptism? ¶ 338.
Who are the anointed ones in Christ? ¶ 339.
How did Aaron the high priest illustrate this? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 339.
Whom did Aaron the high priest typify? ¶ 339.
What does anointing mean? ¶ 339.
Give Scriptural proof of how one may know he has been begotten and anointed of the Lord. ¶ 340.
What is the meaning of the term “sanctification”? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 341.
When does the process of sanctification begin? and how long must it continue? ¶ 341.
How is one sanctified? Give Scriptural proof. ¶ 342.
What influence has the hope of glory upon his sanctification? ¶ 342.
Why does Jesus call the members of his body brethren? ¶ 342.
Who is the Father of both the Head and the body of the Christ? ¶ 342.
In what school does this sanctification take place? ¶ 343.
Can any one outside of the school of Christ be sanctified? ¶ 343.
Those who are in Christ and have the spirit of Christ, what is the hope set before them? ¶ 344.
What promises are given to them? ¶ 344.
Quote some of those precious promises as set forth in the Scriptures. ¶ 344.
Give one of the reasons why St. Paul was made a minister. Quote his words. ¶ 345.
The mystery class is known by what other titles? and what will be the office of the mystery class, the Christ, in the future? ¶ 345.
How will God use this mystery class for the benefit of the people in the future? ¶ 346.