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Extract from a Letter from W.H. Macnaghten, Esq., Envoy and Minister to the Court of Shah Shooja-ool-Moolk, dated Cabool, 9th of August, 1839:—
“By a letter signed jointly by his Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir John Keane and myself, dated the 3rd inst., the Right Hon. the Governor-General was apprised of the flight of Dost Mahomed Khan.
“The ex-chief was not accompanied by any person of consequence, and his followers are said to have been reduced to below the number of 100 on the day of his departure. In the progress of Shah Shooja-ool-Moolk towards Cabool, his Majesty was joined by every person of rank and influence in the country, and he made his triumphal entry into the city on the evening of the 7th instant. His Majesty has taken up his residence in the Bala Hissar, where he has required the British mission to remain for the present.”
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(From the Bombay Government Gazette Extraordinary of August 29th.)
Simla, August 26th, 1839.
A letter from Shikarbad, of August 3rd, states—
“The chiefs with their military followers are flocking in by thousands. No better commentary on the feeling regarding Dost Mahomed Khan could be given than the fact of his having been able to induce only 300 out of 12,000 men to accompany him; Capt. Outram and seven other officers accompany the pursuing party.”
The dates from the army at Cabool are to August the 9th. The letters from thence give the following intelligence:—
“The Shah’s reception at this place was equally gratifying as at Candahar, though the enthusiasm was not so boisterous.
“We arrived here yesterday, and, I am happy to say, with a sufficient stock of supplies in our Godown to render us quite independent of any foreign purchases for the next ten days, which will keep down prices, and save us from the extravagant rates which we were obliged to purchase at when we reached Candahar. I have not been to the city yet, but am told it is far superior to Candahar. Our people are now very well off; for the increased rations, and abundance and cheapness of grain as we came along, have left them nothing to want or wish for.”
Extract of a further letter from Shikarbad, August 3rd:—
“The Afghans have not yet recovered from their astonishment at the rapidity with which Ghuzni fell into our hands, nor up to this moment will they believe how it was effected.
“This morning we received intelligence of Dost Mahomed’s flight towards Bamian; for several days past many of his former adherents had been joining the King. Since this morning, thousands of Afghans have been coming in to tender their allegiance to his Majesty, who is in the greatest spirits at this pacific termination to the campaign, and says that God has now granted all his wishes, —Cabool is at hand!