Campaign of the Indus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Campaign of the Indus.

Campaign of the Indus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Campaign of the Indus.

Sir John Keane was happy, on this proud occasion, to have the assistance of his old comrade, Major-General Sir Willoughby Cotton, who, in command of the reserve, ably executed the instructions he had received, and was at the gate ready to enter after the storming party had established themselves inside, when he moved through it to sweep the ramparts, and to complete the subjugation of the place with the 16th Bengal Native Infantry, under Major M’Laren; Brigadier Roberts, with the 35th Native Infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Monteath; and the 48th Native Infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Wheeler.  His arrangements afterwards, in continuation of those Brigadier Sale had made for the security of the magazine and other public stores, were such as meet his Excellency’s high approval.

The Commander-in-Chief acknowledges the services rendered by Captain Hay, of the 35th Native Infantry, in command of three companies of that regiment sent to the south side of the fortress to begin with a false attack, and which was executed at the proper time, and in a manner highly satisfactory to his Excellency.

Nothing could be more judicious than the manner in which Brigadier Stevenson placed the artillery in position.  Captain Grant’s troop of Bengal Artillery, and the camel battery, under Captain Abbott, both superintended by Major Pew; the two troops of Bombay Horse Artillery, commanded by Captains Martin and Cotgrave; and Captain Lloyd’s battery of Bombay Foot Artillery, all opened upon the citadel and fortress in a manner which shook the enemy, and did such execution as completely to paralyse and to strike terror into them; and his Excellency begs Brigadier Stevenson, the officers, and men of that arm, will accept his thanks for their good service.

The 19th Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Stalker, having been placed in position to watch any enemy that might appear on the Cabool road, or approach to attack the camp, had an important post assigned to them, although, as it happened, no enemy made an attack upon them.

In sieges and stormings it does not fall to the lot of cavalry to bear the same conspicuous part as to the other two arms of the profession.  On this occasion, Sir John Keane is happy to have an opportunity of thanking Major-General Thackwell, and the officers and men of the cavalry divisions under his orders, for having successfully executed the directions given, to sweep the plain, and to intercept fugitives of the enemy attempting to escape from the fort in any direction around it; and had an enemy appeared for the relief of the place during the storming, his Excellency is fully satisfied that the different regiments of this fine arm would have distinguished themselves, and that the opportunity alone was wanting.

Major-General Willshire’s division having been broken up for the day, to be distributed as it was, the Major-General was desired to be in attendance upon the Commander-in-Chief.  To him and to the officers of the Assistant Quartermaster-General’s department of the Bengal and Bombay army, his Excellency returns his warmest thanks for the assistance they have afforded him.

Project Gutenberg
Campaign of the Indus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.