(Signed) R. MACDONALD, Lieut.-Colonel,
Military Secretary, and Deputy
Adjutant-Gen. to
her Majesty’s Forces,
By his Excellency Lieutenant-Gen. Sir John Keane, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Indus.
Head-Quarters, Camp, Ghuzni, July 23rd, 1839
Lieutenant-General Sir John Keane most heartily congratulates the army he has the honour to command, on the signal triumph they have this day obtained in the capture by storm of the strong and important fortress of Ghuzni. His Excellency feels that he can hardly do justice to the gallantry of the troops.
The scientific and successful manner in which the Cabool gate (of great strength) was blown up by Captain Thomson, of the Bengal Engineers, the chief of that department with this army, in which he reports having been most ably assisted by Captain Peat, of the Bombay Engineers, and Lieutenants Durand and MacLeod, of the Bengal Engineers, in the daring and dangerous enterprise of laying down powder in the face of the enemy, and the strong fire kept up on them, reflects the highest credit on their skill and cool courage, and his Excellency begs Captain Thomson and officers named will accept his cordial thanks. His acknowledgments are also due to the other officers of the Engineers of both Presidencies, and to the valuable corps of Sappers and Miners under them. This opening having been made, although it was a difficult one to enter by, from the rubbish in the way, the leading column, in a spirit of true gallantry, directed and led by Brigadier Sale, gained a footing inside the fortress, although opposed by the Afghan soldiers in very great strength, and in the most desperate manner, with every kind of weapon.
The advance, under Lieutenant-Colonel Dennie, of her Majesty’s 13th, consisting of the light companies of her Majesty’s 2nd and 17th, and of the Bengal European Regiment, with one company of her Majesty’s 13th; and the leading column, consisting of her Majesty’s 2nd Queen’s, under Major Carruthers, and the Bengal European Regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Orchard, followed by her Majesty’s 13th Light Infantry, as they collected from the duty of skirmishing, which they were directed to begin with, and by her Majesty’s 17th, under Lieutenant-Colonel Croker. To all these officers, and to the other officers and gallant soldiers under their orders, his Excellency’s best thanks are tendered; but, in particular, he feels deeptly indebted to Brigadier Sale, for the manner in which he conducted the arduous duty entrusted to him in the command of the storming party. His Excellency will not fail to bring it to the notice of his Lordship the Governor-General, and he trusts the wound which Brigadier Sale has received is not of that severe nature long to deprive this army of his services. Brigadier Sale reports that Captain Kershaw, of her Majesty’s 13th Light Infantry, rendered important assistance to him and to the service in the storming.