Elizabethan Sea Dogs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about Elizabethan Sea Dogs.

Elizabethan Sea Dogs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about Elizabethan Sea Dogs.

  ‘Bond of Association,’ 152 Brazil, voyage of Hawkins to, 33-4

  Bristol, Cabot settles in, 3

  Burleigh, Lord, 87, 119, 144, 156, 162, 167, 206

  Cabot, John, transfers allegiance from Genoa to Venice (1476), 1;
     Cabottaggio, 2;
     reaches Cape Breton (1497), 7;
     returns to Bristol, 7;
     receives a present of L10 from Henry VII, 8;
     disappears at sea (1498),8-9, 14;
     believes America the eastern limit of the Old World, 11;
     bibliography, 241

  Cabot, Sebastian, second son of John, 9;
     takes command of expedition to America, 9;
     leaves men to explore Newfoundland, 9;
     coasts Greenland, 12;
     explores Atlantic Coast, 12;
     enters service of Ferdinand of Spain as Captain of the Sea,’ 15;
     Charles V makes him ‘Chief Pilot and Examiner of Pilots,’ 15;
     determines longitude of Moluccas, 15;
     voyage to South America, 15;
     makes a map of the world, 15;
     leaves Spain for England(1548), 16;
     receives pension from Edward VI, 16;
     feasts at Gravesend with the Serchthrift, 16-17;
     Governor of Muscovy Company, 16, 31;
     sailing of the Serchthrift, 32;
     bibliography, 241

   Cadiz, 165 et seq.

   California, 137, 138, 212

   Canaries, 157, 226

   Cape Breton, Cabot reaches (1497), 7

   Cape of Good Hope, Vasco da Gama sails around, 18

   Cape St. Vincent, Drake plans to capture, 167

   Caribs, 80, 158

   Carleill, 154, 156, 157, 160

   Cartagena, 88, 108 et seq., 156, 159

   Cartier, Jacques, second voyage (1535), 12;
     discovers St. Lawrence, 71

   Cathay, Sebastian Cabot searches for passage to, 11;
     Sir Hugh Willoughby tries to find Northeast passage to, 30

   Cavendish, Thomas, 212

   Cecil, Sir Robert, 206

   Charles V of Spain, maritime rival of Henry VIII, 22-25;
     his dominions, 23;
     feud with France, 23-24;
     hostile to England, 29;
     Spanish dominion, 71;
     father of Don John of Austria, 117

   Chesapeake Bay, 220

   Cockeram, Martin, 34

   Coligny, Admiral, 207

   Columbus, Christopher, citizen of Genoa, 1-2;
     visit to Iceland, 3;
     fame eclipses that of the Cabots, 13;
     reasons for his significance, 13;
     400th anniversary of his discovery, 14;
     replica of the Santa Maria, 235

   Complaynt of Scotland, The, 42

   Cordial Advice, 40

   Corunna, 178, 192

   Cosa, Juan de la, makes first dated (1500) map of America, 14

   Croatoan Island, 213 et seq.

   Crowndale, Drake’s birthplace, 95

   Cumberland, Earl of, 197

Project Gutenberg
Elizabethan Sea Dogs from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.