Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 174 pages of information about Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures.

Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures eBook

Victor Appleton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 174 pages of information about Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures.

“Run, Tom!  Run!” yelled Ned, and Tom ran as he had never run before.  The elephant was close after him though, crashing through the jungle.  Tom could see the airship just ahead of him.

Suddenly he felt something grasp him from behind.  He thought surely it was the elephant’s trunk, but a quick glance over his shoulder showed him the friendly face of Koku, the giant.

“Me run for you,” said Koku, as he caught Tom up under one arm, and, carrying the camera under the other, he set off at top speed.  Now Koku could run well at times, and this time he did.  He easily outdistanced the elephant, and, a little later, he set Tom down on the deck of the airship, with the camera beside him.  Then Ned and Mr. Nestor came up panting, having run to one side.

“Quick!” cried Tom.  “We must get away before the elephant charges the Flyer.”

“He has stopped,” shouted Mr. Nestor, and it was indeed so.  The big beast, seeing again the strange craft that had frightened him before, stood still for a moment, and then plunged off into the jungle, trumpeting with rage.

“Safe!” gasped Tom, as he looked at his camera to see if it had been damaged.  It seemed all right.

“Bless my latch key!” cried Mr. Damon.  “This moving picture business isn’t the most peaceful one in the world.”

“No, it has plenty of perils,” agreed Mr. Nestor.

“Come on, let’s get out of here while we have the chance,” suggested Tom.  “There may be another herd upon us before we know it.”

The airship was soon ascending, and Tom and his companions could look down and see the tame elephants in the stockade trying to calm the wild ones.  Then the scene faded from sight.

“Well, if these pictures come out all right I’ll have some fine ones,” exclaimed Tom as he carried his camera to the room where he kept the films.  “I fancy an elephant drive and stampede are novelties in this line.”

“Indeed they are,” agreed Mr. Nestor.  “Mr. Period made no mistake when he picked you out, Tom, for this work.  What are you going to try for next?”

“I’d like to get some lion and tiger pictures,” said the young inventor.  “I understand this is a good district for that.  As soon as those elephants get quieted down, I’m going back to the stockade and have a talk with the hunters.”

This he did, circling about in the airship until nearly evening.  When they again approached the stockade all was quiet, and they came to earth.  A native showed them where the white hunters had their headquarters, in some bungalows, and Tom and his party were made welcome.  They apologized for frightening the big beasts, and the hunters accepted their excuses.

“As long as we got ’em, it’s all right,” said the head man, “though for awhile, I didn’t like your bloomin’ machine.”  Tom entertained the hunters aboard his craft, at which they marvelled much, and they gave him all the information they had about the lions and tigers in the vicinity.

Project Gutenberg
Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.