Quit Your Worrying! eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Quit Your Worrying!.

Quit Your Worrying! eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Quit Your Worrying!.

“But,” you say, “I am far less disturbed by the over work than I am by the discomfort that comes from the dust.”  Then all I can say is that you are wrongly balanced, according to my notion of things.  Your health should be of far more value to you than your ideas of house tidiness, but you have reversed the importance of the two.  Teach yourself the relative value of things.  A hundred dollar bill is of greater value than one for five dollars, and the life of your baby more important than the value of the hundred dollar bill.  Put first things first, and secondly, and tertiary, and quarternary things in their relative positions.  Your health and self-poise should come first, the comfort and happiness of husband and family next, the more or less spotlessness and tidiness of the house afterwards.  Then, if you cannot have your house as tidy as you wish, resolutely resolve that you will not be disturbed.  You will control your own life and not allow a dusty room—­be it never so dusty—­to destroy your comfort and peace of mind, and that of your loved ones.

When a woman of this worrying type has children she soon learns that she must choose between the health and happiness of her children and the gratification of her own passionate desire for spotless cleanliness.  This gratification, if permanently indulged in, soon becomes a disease, for surely only a diseased mind can value the spotlessness of a house more than the health, comfort, and happiness of children.  Yet many women do—­more’s the pity.  Such poor creatures should learn that there is a dirtiness that is far worse than dirt in a house—­a dirtiness, a muddiness of mind, a cluttering of thought, a making of the mind a harboring place for wrong thoughts.  Not wrong in the sense of immoral or wicked, as these words are generally used, but wrong in this sense, viz., that reason shows the folly, the inutility, the impracticability of attempting to bring up sane, healthy, happy, normal children in a household controlled by the idea that spotless cleanliness is the matter of prime importance to be observed.  The discomfort of children, husband, mother herself are nothing as compared with keeping the house in perfect order.  Any woman so obsessed should be sent for a short time to an insane asylum, for she certainly has so reversed the proper order of values as to be so far insane.  She has “cluttered up” her mind with a wrong idea, an idea which dirties, muddies, soils her mind far worse than dust soils her house.

Reader, keep your mind free from such dirt—­for dirt is but “matter in the wrong place.”  Far better have dust, dirt, in your house, dirt on your child’s hands, face, and clothes, than on your own mind to give you worry, discomfort and disease.


Project Gutenberg
Quit Your Worrying! from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.