The Human Machine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about The Human Machine.

The Human Machine eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about The Human Machine.

In certain cases we do make use of our machines (as well as their sad condition of neglect will allow), but in other cases we behave in an extraordinarily irrational manner.  Thus if we sally out and get caught in a heavy shower we do not, unless very far gone in foolishness, sit down and curse the weather.  We put up our umbrella, if we have one, and if not we hurry home.  We may grumble, but it is not serious grumbling; we accept the shower as a fact of the universe, and control ourselves.  Thus also, if by a sudden catastrophe we lose somebody who is important to us, we grieve, but we control ourselves, recognising one of those hazards of destiny from which not even millionaires are exempt.  And the result on our Ego is usually to improve it in essential respects.  But there are other strokes of destiny, other facts of the universe, against which we protest as a child protests when deprived of the moon.

Take the case of an individual with an imperfect idea of honesty.  Now, that individual is the consequence of his father and mother and his environment, and his father and mother of theirs, and so backwards to the single-celled protoplasm.  That individual is a result of the cosmic order, the inevitable product of cause and effect.  We know that.  We must admit that he is just as much a fact of the universe as a shower of rain or a storm at sea that swallows a ship.  We freely grant in the abstract that there must be, at the present stage of evolution, a certain number of persons with unfair minds.  We are quite ready to contemplate such an individual with philosophy—­until it happens that, in the course of the progress of the solar system, he runs up against ourselves.  Then listen to the outcry!  Listen to the continual explosions of a righteous man aggrieved!  The individual may be our clerk, cashier, son, father, brother, partner, wife, employer.  We are ill-used!  We are being treated unfairly!  We kick; we scream.  We nourish the inward sense of grievance that eats the core out of content.  We sit down in the rain.  We decline to think of umbrellas, or to run to shelter.

We care not that that individual is a fact which the universe has been slowly manufacturing for millions of years.  Our attitude implies that we want eternity to roll back and begin again, in such wise that we at any rate shall not be disturbed.  Though we have a machine for the transmutation of facts into food for our growth, we do not dream of using it.  But, we say, he is doing us harm!  Where?  In our minds.  He has robbed us of our peace, our comfort, our happiness, our good temper.  Even if he has, we might just as well inveigh against a shower.  But has he?  What was our brain doing while this naughty person stepped in and robbed us of the only possessions worth having?  No, no!  It is not that he has done us harm—­the one cheerful item in a universe of stony facts is that no one can harm anybody except himself—­it is merely that we have been silly, precisely as silly as if we had taken a seat in the rain with a folded umbrella by our side....  The machine is at fault.  I fancy we are now obtaining glimpses of what that phrase really means.

Project Gutenberg
The Human Machine from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.