Quiet Talks about Jesus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about Quiet Talks about Jesus.

Quiet Talks about Jesus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about Quiet Talks about Jesus.
The power or weakness of a man is felt in the sound of his voice.  The blind have unusual skill in reading character in the voice.  Were we wiser we could read men’s character much more quickly in the voice.  Children and animals do.  The voice that stilled the waves and spoke forgiveness of sins, that drew the babes, and talked out to thousands at once, must have been full of sweetest music and thrilling with richest power.

Jesus made much of the personal touch, another means whereby a man’s power goes out to his fellow.  He believed in close personal touch.  He drew men into close contact with Himself.  He promised that when gone Himself, Somebody else was to come, and live as He had done right with us in close touch.  He touched those whom He helped, regardless of conditions.  There was power in His touch.  Some of Himself went out through that touch of His.  The fever, the weakness, the disease fled before His touch.

Is it to be wondered at that everywhere, in the temple yards, on Judean hills or Galilean, by the blue waters of Galilee or the brown waters of the Jordan, men crowded to Jesus?  They couldn’t help it.  He was irresistible in His presence, His face, His eye, and voice and touch.  It could not be otherwise.  He was God on a wooing errand after man.  Moses’ request of Jehovah, “Show me ...  Thy glory,” was being granted now to the whole nation.  In Jesus they were gazing on the glory of God.  A veiled glory?  Yes, much veiled, doubtless, yet not as much as when Moses looked and listened.

Jesus draws men.  All classes, all nations, all peoples are drawn to Him.  It is remarkable how all classes in Christendom quote Jesus, and claim Him as the leader of their own particular views.  They will selfishly claim Him who will not follow Him.

Jesus draws us.  Let us each yield to His drawing.  That is the sincerest homage and honor we can give Him.  That will draw out in us to fullest measure the original God-likeness obscured by sin.

Let us lift this drawing Jesus up by our lives of loyalty to Him, by our modest, earnest testimony for Him, by our unselfish love for the men He loved so. Up let us lift Him before men’s eyes; up on the cross, transfigured by His love; up on the Olives’ Mount, Victor over all the forces of sin and death; up at the Father’s right hand in glory, waiting the fullness of time for the completion of His plan for man.

Thou great winsome God, we have seen Thy beauty in this Jesus.  We have heard Thy music in His voice.  We feel the strong pull upon our hearts and wills of Thy presence in Him.  We cannot resist Thee if we would.  We would not if we could.  We are coming a-running to keep tryst with Thee under the tree of life thou art planting down in our midst.  We will throw ourselves at Thy feet in the utter abandon of our strongest love, Thy volunteer slaves.

III.  The Great Experiences of Jesus’ Life

Project Gutenberg
Quiet Talks about Jesus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.