The Climax of Suffering: the darkest shadow—why the struggle is strange—shock of extremes—His purpose in yielding—separation from the Father—Matthew 27:46. Mark 15:34 margin.—the superlative degree of suffering.
Alone: a full evening, Matthew 26:17-19 with parallels. John, chapters 13 to 17.—for prayer—on knees and face—the changed prayer—ready for the worst.
5. Calvary: Victory. Matthew 26:47-27:61. Mark 14: 43-15:47. Luke 22:47-23:56. John 18:1-19:42.
Yielding to Arrest: the betrayal—protecting the disciples—checking Peter’s violence—the arrest—the disciples forsake Him—except two, John 18:15, 16.
The Real Jewish Ruler: Annas the intriguer—an unrebuked insult—the case settled at once—before Caiaphas—difficulty in fixing a charge—the dramatic question and solemn answer—second condemnation—gross insults.
Held Steady by Great Love: Peter gains entrance through John, John 18:16.—the stammering denial—the bolder—with oaths and curses—Jesus’ look—Peter’s tears.
An Obstinate Roman: before the senate—trying to make a case—the formal condemnation—before Pilate—an unexpected set-back—alone with Pilate—acquitted—shrill protests—off to Herod.
A Savage Duel: before Herod—no word for him—more insults—a second acquittal—back to Pilate—his character—his summing up—their protests—his wife’s message—Barabbas or Jesus—Pilate weakening—the scourging and coarse mocking—Pilate’s surprise—a new charge—the governor startled—alone again with Pilate—the use of Caesar’s name—renunciation of national hopes—the defeated governor’s small revenge—the duel over.
Victory: out to Calvary—the pitying women—crucified—praying for the soldiers—pitching dice for His clothes—the inscription—coarse taunts and jests—winning a man at the very last—providing for His mother the darkness—the agonizing cry—the shout of victory.
6. The Resurrection: Gravity Upward. Matthew 28:1-15. Mark 16:1-8. Luke 24:1-49. John 20:1-21:25. 1 Corinthians 15:4-7.
A New Morning: early visit to the tomb—Mary Magdalene’s alarmed call for Peter—the message of the angels—Peter and John come—another group of women get an angelic message.
Jesus seeking out Peter: Mary Magdalene meets Jesus—He meets other women—the soldiers’ story—alone with Peter.
Made Known in the Breaking of Bread: the Emmaus travellers—the Stranger’s explanation—the evening meal—the Master!
Even so Send I you: the meeting in Jerusalem—the Master’s unexpected presence—the sure proofs—breathing on them—Thomas’ stubborn doubts—a week later—a second great catch of fish—to James—to five hundred—on Olives’ top—the Bethany home not represented.
Gravity Upward: the resurrection not expected—fully assured—the new victory-day—Jesus was raised—He rose at will—His dying voluntary, so the rising—man’s true gravity—sin’s gravity—Jesus’ gravity upward.