The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign.

The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign.

“Five,” said Hal suddenly, as another of the enemy pitched suddenly to the ground, a shot from beyond having struck him.

“See! they are going to charge him!” cried Chester, peering over his friend’s shoulder.

It was true.  The enemy had spread out as much as the road would permit and the man who appeared to be the leader raised his hand.

“We’ll have to stop that,” muttered Hal.

He raised his voice in a shout, which carried plainly to the foe.

The five men wheeled about suddenly and for the first time saw they were beset in the rear as well as in front.  For a moment they hesitated, then turned and charged the new arrivals.

“Keep going!” shouted Hal.  “And don’t miss!”

The enemy fired first, but all the shots went wild.  Suddenly Nikol checked his horse, took deliberate aim and fired.  A rider fell to the ground.  The range was still great, but Nikol’s aim was true.  A second man dropped at his second bullet.

Now Colonel Anderson and Hal fired simultaneously.  Another man dropped—­it was impossible to tell whether Hal or Colonel Anderson had scored a hit.

The two remaining riders drew their horses upon their haunches, and headed them for the friendly protection of the trees.  Hal and Colonel Anderson fired a parting shot, but they were unable to tell whether the bullets had gone home.

Chester, behind Hal, had been unable to get into the battle, Hal’s figure interfering with his aim.

“Well, I don’t think the two of them will bother us,” said Hal.

“No,” Chester agreed.  “And there are two loose horses.  I’m going to get one of them.”

“Better make it two,” said Colonel Anderson.  “Our ally beyond, whoever he may be, may need one.”

Chester nodded.

“He deserves one,” he said.  “He knocked off three of these fellows.”

He secured the two horses without much trouble, mounted one and led the other.

“Now we’ll have an interview with our friend,” he said.

They rode forward slowly.

“Funny he doesn’t come out and show himself,” said Hal.

“Guess he thinks we are enemies, too,” suggested Colonel Anderson.  “Well—­whoa, there.”

He broke off suddenly and ducked his head, for a bullet had whistled just above him.  He raised his voice in a shout: 

“Hey!” he cried in English, forgetting just where he was, “what do you mean shooting at us?  Quit it.  We’re friends.”

“That you, Hal?” came a familiar voice.

Hal, Chester and Colonel Anderson gazed into each other’s eyes almost dumbfounded.

“Well, what do you think of that?” exclaimed Hal.

There came a pleased chuckle from one member of the party, who rushed forward happily.

It was Nikol.

“Now where is he going?” demanded Chester anxiously.

“Going to greet his friend Stubbs,” returned Hal.  “To Nikol, Stubbs is a brave man and a grand fighter; and what has happened just now will only increase his admiration.  Come on, let’s go and have a look for ourselves.”

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.