Abraham Lincoln, Volume II eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln, Volume II.

Abraham Lincoln, Volume II eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln, Volume II.
  when secretary of war, sent McClellan to Europe;
  sends troops to seize East Tennessee;
  wishes to free Kentucky, see vol. ii.;
  his escape wished by Lincoln;
  replaces Johnston by Hood;
  proposition of Blair to;
  expresses willingness to treat for peace;
  nominates commissioners to treat for peace with independence;
  notified by Lee of approaching fall of Richmond;
  escapes from city;
  makes himself ridiculous and escapes punishment;
  suspected of complicity in Booth’s plot.

  leads Lincoln in vote for legislature in 1834.

Dayton, William L.,
  nominated by Republicans in 1856, see vol. i.;
  candidate for nomination in 1860.

Democratic party,
  controls Illinois, see vol. i.;
  wins in 1852;
  factions in;
  elects Buchanan in 1856;
  in.  Illinois, nominates Douglas for Senate;
  torn with factions;
  breaks up in 1860 into Northern and Southern wings;
  nominates two sets of candidates;
  campaign of, in 1860;
  attempts to reunite;
  in North, members of, become Union men;
  effort of Lincoln to placate, by giving recognition in cabinet;
  Copperhead and other factions of, see vol. ii.;
  “War Democrats”;
  makes campaign in 1862 on opposition to anti-slavery legislation;
  gains in Congressional elections;
  wishes Lincoln to compromise;
  denounces seizure of Vallandigham;
  agitates against military tyranny;
  commits error in opposing war;
  loses ground in 1863;
  applauds Fremont’s candidacy;
  hopes for success in 1864;
  denounces war as failure and nominates McClellan;
  war faction of, hesitates to vote for Lincoln, on slavery grounds;
  divided over peace plank;
  damaged by Federal military successes;
  hurt by Southern approval;
  defeated in election;
  members of, in Congress, aid in passage of thirteenth amendment.

Dennison, William,
  succeeds Blair as postmaster-general, see vol. ii.

Dickinson, Daniel S.,
  candidate for vice-presidential nomination, see vol. ii.

Diplomatic history,
  Seward’s proposed foreign wars to prevent disunion, see vol. i.;
  recognition of Southern belligerency by England and France;
  instructions of Seward to Adams;
  difficulties over English privateers;
  message of Lincoln on foreign relations;
  the Trent affair;
  the Oreto affair, see vol. ii.;
  the Alabama affair.

District of Columbia,
  bill to emancipate slaves in, advocated by Lincoln, see vol. i.;
  slave trade in, abolished;
  abolition in, favored by Lincoln;
  emancipation in, carried, see vol. ii.

Dix, John A.,
  on possible secession of New York, see vol. i.;
  appointed to Treasury Department;
  his order to protect American flag.

Dixon, Archibald,
  offers amendment repealing Missouri Compromise, see vol. i.

Project Gutenberg
Abraham Lincoln, Volume II from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.