Quiet Talks with World Winners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Quiet Talks with World Winners.

Quiet Talks with World Winners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Quiet Talks with World Winners.
I don’t think I should have denied Him if I hadn’t gone to sleep, but I was overcome.  I remember the last thing I heard Him say before I fell asleep was, “Father, let this cup pass from me if it is Thy will.”  And when I awoke an angel stood right there where you are standing, talking to Him, and I saw great drops of blood come from His pores and trickle down His cheeks.  It wasn’t long before Judas came to betray Him.  And I heard Him say to Judas, so kindly, “Betrayest thou the Master with a kiss?” And then they bound Him and led Him away.  And that night when He was on trial I denied Him.’

“He pictured the whole scene.  And the next day Peter turned again to Paul and said, ‘Wouldn’t you like to take another walk to-day?’ and Paul said he would.  That day they went to Calvary.  And when they got on the hill Peter said, ’Here, Paul, this is the very spot where He died for you and me.  See that hole right there?  That is where His cross stood.  The believing thief hung there, and the unbelieving thief there on the other side.  Mary Magdalene and Mary, His mother, stood there, and I stood away on the out-skirts of the crowd.

“’The night before, when I denied Him, He looked at me so lovingly that it broke my heart, and I couldn’t bear to get near enough to see Him.  That was the darkest hour of my life.  I was in hopes that God would intercede and take Him from the cross.  I kept listening, and I thought I would hear His voice.’  And he pictured the whole scene, how they drove the spear into His side, and put the crown of thorns on His brow, and all that took place.

“And the next day Peter turned to Paul again and asked him if he wouldn’t take another walk.  And Paul said he would.  Again they passed down the streets of Jerusalem, over the brook Kidron, over Mount Olivet, up to Bethphage, and over to the slope near Bethany.  All at once Peter stopped and said:  ’Here, Paul, this is the last place where I ever saw Him.  I never heard Him speak so sweetly as He did that day.

“’It was right here He delivered His last message to us, and all at once I noticed that His feet didn’t touch the ground.  He arose and went up.  All at once there came a cloud and received Him out of sight.  I stood right here gazing up into the heavens, in hopes I might see Him again and hear Him speak.  And two men dressed in white dropped down by our sides and stood there and said:  “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing into heaven?  This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven."’”

Then Mr. Moody said, “My friends, I want to ask you this question:  Do you believe that picture is overdrawn?  Do you believe Peter had Paul as his guest and didn’t take him to Gethsemane, didn’t take him to Calvary and Mount Olivet?  I myself spent eight days in Jerusalem, and every morning I wanted to steal down into the garden where my Lord sweat great drops of blood.  Every day I climbed Mount Olivet and looked up into the blue sky where He went to His Father.

Project Gutenberg
Quiet Talks with World Winners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.