Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
     Scaul, scold. 
     Scauld, to scold. 
     Scaur, afraid; apt to be scared. 
     Scaur, a jutting rock or bank of earth. 
     Scho, she. 
     Scone, a soft flour cake. 
     Sconner, disgust. 
     Sconner, sicken. 
     Scraichin, calling hoarsely. 
     Screed, a rip, a rent. 
     Screed, to repeat rapidly, to rattle. 
     Scriechin, screeching. 
     Scriegh, skriegh, v. skriegh. 
     Scrievin, careering. 
     Scrimpit, scanty. 
     Scroggie, scroggy, scrubby. 
     Sculdudd’ry, bawdry. 
     See’d, saw. 
     Seisins, freehold possessions. 
     Sel, sel’, sell, self. 
     Sell’d, sell’t, sold. 
     Semple, simple. 
     Sen’, send. 
     Set, to set off; to start. 
     Set, sat. 
     Sets, becomes. 
     Shachl’d, shapeless. 
     Shaird, shred, shard. 
     Shanagan, a cleft stick. 
     Shanna, shall not. 
     Shaul, shallow. 
     Shaver, a funny fellow. 
     Shavie, trick. 
     Shaw, a wood. 
     Shaw, to show. 
     Shearer, a reaper. 
     Sheep-shank, a sheep’s trotter; nae sheep-shank bane = a person of
       no small importance. 
     Sheerly, wholly. 
     Sheers, scissors. 
     Sherra-moor, sheriffmuir. 
     Sheugh, a ditch, a furrow; gutter. 
     Sheuk, shook. 
     Shiel, a shed, cottage. 
     Shill, shrill. 
     Shog, a shake. 
     Shool, a shovel. 
     Shoon, shoes. 
     Shore, to offer, to threaten. 
     Short syne, a little while ago. 
     Shouldna, should not. 
     Shouther, showther, shoulder. 
     Shure, shore (did shear). 
     Sic, such. 
     Siccan, such a. 
     Sicker, steady, certain; sicker score = strict conditions. 
     Sidelins, sideways. 
     Siller, silver; money in general. 
     Simmer, summer. 
     Sin, son. 
     Sin’, since. 
     Sindry, sundry. 
     Singet, singed, shriveled. 
     Sinn, the sun. 
     Sinny, sunny. 
     Skaith, damage. 
     Skeigh, skiegh, skittish. 
     Skellum, a good-for-nothing. 
     Skelp, a slap, a smack. 
     Skelp, to spank; skelpin at it = driving at it. 
     Skelpie-limmer’s-face, a technical term in female scolding (R.  B.). 
     Skelvy, shelvy. 
     Skiegh, v. skeigh. 
     Skinking, watery. 
     Skinklin, glittering. 
     Skirl, to cry or sound shrilly. 
     Sklent, a slant, a turn. 
     Sklent, to slant, to squint, to cheat. 
     Skouth, scope. 
     Skriech, a scream. 
     Skriegh, to scream, to whinny. 
     Skyrin, flaring. 
     Skyte, squirt, lash. 
     Slade, slid. 
     Slae, the sloe. 
     Slap, a breach in a fence; a gate. 
     Slaw, slow. 
     Slee, sly, ingenious. 
     Sleekit, sleek, crafty. 
     Slidd’ry, slippery. 
     Sloken, to slake. 
     Slypet, slipped. 
Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.