Rab, rob.
Rade, rode.
Raep, a rope.
Ragweed, ragwort.
Raibles, recites by
Rair, to roar.
Rairin, roaring.
Rair’t, roared.
Raise, rase, rose.
Raize, to excite, anger.
Ramfeezl’d, exhausted.
Ramgunshoch, surly.
Ram-stam, headlong.
Randie, lawless, obstreperous.
Randie, randy, a scoundrel,
a rascal.
Rant, to rollick, to
Rants, merry meetings;
Rape, v. raep.
Raploch, homespun.
Rash, a rush.
Rash-buss, a clump of
Rashy, rushy.
Rattan, rattoon, a rat.
Ratton-key, the rat-quay.
Raucle, rough, bitter,
Raught, reached.
Raw, a row.
Rax, to stretch, to
Ream, cream, foam.
Ream, to cream, to foam.
Reave, to rob.
Rebute, rebuff.
Red, advised, afraid.
Red, rede, to advise,
to counsel.
Red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod.
Red-wud, stark mad.
Reek, smoke.
Reekie, reeky, smoky.
Reestit, scorched.
Reestit, refused to
Reif, theiving.
Remead, remedy.
Rickles, small stacks
of corn in the fields.
Rief, plunder.
Rig, a ridge.
Riggin, the roof-tree,
the roof.
Rigwoodie, lean.
Rin, to run.
Ripp, a handful of corn
from the sheaf.
Ripplin-kame, the wool
or flax comb.
Riskit, cracked.
Rive, to split, to tear,
to tug, to burst.
Rock, a distaff.
Rockin, a social meeting.
Roon, round, shred.
Roose, to praise, to
Roose, reputation.
Roosty, rusty.
Rottan, a rat.
Roun’, round.
Roupet, exhausted in
Routh, v. rowth.
Routhie, well-stocked.
Row, rowe, to roll;
to flow, as a river; to wrap.
Rowte, to low, to bellow.
Rowth, plenty, a store.
Rozet, resin.
Run-deils, downright
Rung, a cudgel.
Runkl’d, wrinkled.
Runt, a cabbage or colewort
Ryke, to reach.
Sab, to sob.
Sae, so.
Saft, soft.
Sair, sore, hard, severe,
Sair, to serve.
Sair, sairly, sorely.
Sairie, sorrowful, sorry.
Sall, shall.
Sandy, Sannack, dim.
of Alexander.
Sark, a shirt.
Saugh, the willow.
Saul, soul.
Saumont, sawmont, the
Saunt, saint.
Saut, salt.
Saut-backets, v. backets.
Saw, to sow.
Sawney, v. sandy.
Sax, six.
Scar, to scare.
Scar, v. scaur.
Scathe, scaith, damage;
v. skaith.
Scaud, to scald.