Nieve, the fist.
Nieve-fu’, fistful.
Niffer, exchange.
Nit, a nut.
No, not.
Nocht, nothing.
Norland, northern.
Nowt, nowte, cattle.
O’, of.
O’erword, the
refrain; catchword.
Onie, any.
Or, ere, before.
Orra, extra.
O’t, of it.
Ought, aught.
Oughtlins, aughtlins,
aught in the least; at all.
Ourie, shivering, drooping.
Outler, unhoused.
Owre, over, too.
Owsen, oxen.
Owthor, author.
Oxter’d, held
up under the arms.
Pack an’ thick,
Paidle, to paddle, to
wade; to walk with a weak action.
Paidle, nail-bag.
Painch, the paunch.
Paitrick, a partridge;
used equivocally of a wanton girl.
Pang, to cram.
Parishen, the parish.
Parritch, porridge.
Parritch-pats, porridge-pots.
Pat, pot.
Pat, put.
Pattle, pettle, a plow-staff.
Paughty, haughty.
Paukie, pauky, pawkie,
artful, sly.
Pechan, the stomach.
Pechin, panting, blowing.
Penny-fee, wage in money.
Penny-wheep, small beer.
Pettle, v. pattle.
Philibeg, the Highlander’s
Phraisin, flattering,
Phrase, to flatter,
to wheedle.
Pickle, a few, a little.
Pint (Scots), three
imperial pints.
Pit, put.
Placads, proclamations.
Plack, four pennies
Plackless, penniless.
Plaiden, coarse woolen
Plaister, plaster.
Plenish’d, stocked.
Pleugh, plew, a plow.
Pliskie, a trick.
Pliver, a plover.
Pock, a poke, a bag,
a wallet.
Poind, to seize, to
distrain, to impound.
Poortith, poverty.
Pou, to pull.
Pouch, pocket.
Pouk, to poke.
Poupit, pulpit.
Pouse, a push.
Poussie, a hare (also
a cat).
Pouther, powther, powder.
Pouts, chicks.
Pow, the poll, the head.
Pownie, a pony.
Pow’t, pulled.
Pree’d, pried
(proved), tasted.
Preen, a pin.
Prent, print.
Prie, to taste.
Prief, proof.
Priggin, haggling.
Primsie, dim. of prim,
Proveses, provosts.
Pu’, to pull.
Puddock-stools, toadstools,
Puir, poor.
Pun’, pund, pound.
Pursie, dim. of purse.
Pussie, a hare.
Pyet, a magpie.
Pyke, to pick.
Pyles, grains.
Quat, quit, quitted.
Quean, a young woman,
a lass.
Queir, choir.
Quey, a young cow.
Quietlin-wise, quietly.
Quo’, quod, quoth.