Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
sheep’s body. 
     Key, quay. 
     Kiaugh, anxiety. 
     Kilt, to tuck up. 
     Kimmer, a wench, a gossip; a wife. 
     Kin’, kind. 
     King’s-hood, the 2d stomach in a ruminant (equivocal for the scrotum). 
     Kintra, country. 
     Kirk, church. 
     Kirn, a churn. 
     Kirn, harvest home. 
     Kirsen, to christen. 
     Kist, chest, counter. 
     Kitchen, to relish. 
     Kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle. 
     Kittle, to tickle. 
     Kittlin, kitten. 
     Kiutlin, cuddling. 
     Knaggie, knobby. 
     Knappin-hammers, hammers for breaking stones. 
     Knowe, knoll. 
     Knurl, knurlin, dwarf. 
     Kye, cows. 
     Kytes, bellies. 
     Kythe, to show.

     Laddie, dim. of lad. 
     Lade, a load. 
     Lag, backward. 
     Laggen, the bottom angle of a wooden dish. 
     Laigh, low. 
     Laik, lack. 
     Lair, lore, learning. 
     Laird, landowner. 
     Lairing, sticking or sinking in moss or mud. 
     Laith, loath. 
     Laithfu’, loathful, sheepish. 
     Lallan, lowland. 
     Lallans, Scots Lowland vernacular. 
     Lammie, dim. of lamb. 
     Lan’, land. 
     Lan’-afore, the foremost horse on the unplowed land side. 
     Lan’-ahin, the hindmost horse on the unplowed land side. 
     Lane, lone. 
     Lang, long. 
     Lang syne, long since, long ago. 
     Lap, leapt. 
     Lave, the rest. 
     Laverock, lav’rock, the lark. 
     Lawin, the reckoning. 
     Lea, grass, untilled land. 
     Lear, lore, learning. 
     Leddy, lady. 
     Lee-lang, live-long. 
     Leesome, lawful. 
     Leeze me on, dear is to me; blessings on; commend me to. 
     Leister, a fish-spear. 
     Len’, to lend. 
     Leugh, laugh’d. 
     Leuk, look. 
     Ley-crap, lea-crop. 
     Libbet, castrated. 
     Licks, a beating. 
     Lien, lain. 
     Lieve, lief. 
     Lift, the sky. 
     Lift, a load. 
     Lightly, to disparage, to scorn. 
     Lilt, to sing. 
     Limmer, to jade; mistress. 
     Lin, v. linn. 
     Linn, a waterfall. 
     Lint, flax. 
     Lint-white, flax-colored. 
     Lintwhite, the linnet. 
     Lippen’d, trusted. 
     Lippie, dim. of lip. 
     Loan, a lane,
     Loanin, the private road leading to a farm. 
     Lo’ed, loved. 
     Lon’on, London. 
     Loof (pl. looves), the palm of the hand. 
     Loon, loun, lown, a fellow, a varlet. 
     Loosome, lovable. 
     Loot, let. 
     Loove, love. 
     Looves, v. loof. 
     Losh, a minced oath. 
     Lough, a pond, a lake. 
     Loup, lowp, to leap. 
     Low, lowe, a flame. 
     Lowin, lowing, flaming, burning. 
     Lown, v. loon. 
     Lowp, v. loup. 
     Lowse, louse, to untie,

Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.