Ear’, early.
Earn, eagle.
Eastlin, eastern.
E’e, eye.
E’ebrie, eyebrow.
Een, eyes.
E’en, even.
E’en, evening.
E’er, ever.
Eerie, apprehensive;
inspiring ghostly fear.
Eild, eld.
Eke, also.
Elbuck, elbow.
Eldritch, unearthly,
haunted, fearsome.
Elekit, elected.
Ell (Scots), thirty-seven
Eller, elder.
En’, end.
Eneugh, enough.
Enfauld, infold.
Enow, enough.
Erse, Gaelic.
Ether-stane, adder-stone.
Ettle, aim.
Evermair, evermore.
Ev’n down, downright,
Eydent, diligent.
Fa’, fall.
Fa’, lot, portion.
Fa’, to get; suit;
Faddom’d, fathomed.
Fae, foe.
Faem, foam.
Faiket, let off, excused.
Fain, fond, glad.
Fainness, fondness.
Fair fa’, good
befall! welcome.
Fairin., a present from
a fair.
Fallow, fellow.
Fa’n, fallen.
Fand, found.
Far-aff, far-off.
Farls, oat-cakes.
Fash, annoyance.
Fash, to trouble; worry.
Fash’d, fash’t,
bothered; irked.
Fashious, troublesome.
Fasten-e’en, Fasten’s
Even (the evening before Lent).
Faught, a fight.
Fauld, the sheep-fold.
Fauld, folded.
Faulding, sheep-folding.
Faun, fallen.
Fause, false.
Fause-house, hole in
a cornstack.
Faut, fault.
Fautor, transgressor.
Fawsont, seemly, well-doing;
Feat, spruce.
Fecht, fight.
Feck, the bulk, the
most part.
Feck, value, return.
Fecket, waistcoat; sleeve
waistcoat (used by farm-servants as both
vest and
Feckless, weak, pithless,
Feckly, mostly.
Feg, a fig.
Fegs, faith!
Feide, feud.
Feint, v. fient.
Feirrie, lusty.
Fell, keen, cruel, dreadful,
deadly; pungent.
Fell, the cuticle under
the skin.
Felly, relentless.
Fen’, a shift.
Fen’, fend, to
look after; to care for; keep off.
Fenceless, defenseless.
Ferlie, ferly, a wonder.
Ferlie, to marvel.
Fetches, catches, gurgles.
Fetch’t, stopped
Fey, fated to death.
Fidge, to fidget, to
Fidgin-fain, tingling-wild.
Fiel, well.
Fient, fiend, a petty
Fient a, not a, devil
Fient haet, nothing
(fiend have it).
Fient haet o’,
not one of.
Fient-ma-care, the fiend
may care (I don’t!).
Fier, fiere, companion.
Fier, sound, active.
Fin’, to find.