Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
     Danton, v. daunton. 
     Darena, dare not. 
     Darg, labor, task, a day’s work. 
     Darklins, in the dark. 
     Daud, a large piece. 
     Daud, to pelt. 
     Daunder, saunter. 
     Daunton, to daunt. 
     Daur, dare. 
     Daurna, dare not. 
     Daur’t, dared. 
     Daut, dawte, to fondle. 
     Daviely, spiritless. 
     Daw, to dawn. 
     Dawds, lumps. 
     Dawtingly, prettily, caressingly. 
     Dead, death. 
     Dead-sweer, extremely reluctant. 
     Deave, to deafen. 
     Deil, devil. 
     Deil-haet, nothing (Devil have it). 
     Deil-ma-care, Devil may care. 
     Deleeret, delirious, mad. 
     Delvin, digging. 
     Dern’d, hid. 
     Descrive, to describe. 
     Deuk, duck. 
     Devel, a stunning blow. 
     Diddle, to move quickly. 
     Dight, to wipe. 
     Dight, winnowed, sifted. 
     Din, dun, muddy of complexion. 
     Ding, to beat, to surpass. 
     Dink, trim. 
     Dinna, do not. 
     Dirl, to vibrate, to ring. 
     Diz’n, dizzen, dozen. 
     Dochter, daughter. 
     Doited, muddled, doting; stupid, bewildered. 
     Donsie, vicious, bad-tempered; restive; testy. 
     Dool, wo, sorrow. 
     Doolfu’, doleful, woful. 
     Dorty, pettish. 
     Douce, douse, sedate, sober, prudent. 
     Douce, doucely, dousely, sedately, prudently. 
     Doudl’d, dandled. 
     Dought (pret. of dow), could. 
     Douked, ducked. 
     Doup, the bottom. 
     Doup-skelper, bottom-smacker. 
     Dour-doure, stubborn, obstinate; cutting. 
     Dow, dowe, am (is or are) able, can. 
     Dow, a dove. 
     Dowf, dowff, dull. 
     Dowie, drooping, mournful. 
     Dowilie, drooping. 
     Downa, can not. 
     Downa-do (can not do), lack of power. 
     Doylt, stupid, stupefied. 
     Doytin, doddering.,
     Dozen’d, torpid. 
     Dozin, torpid. 
     Draigl’t, draggled. 
     Drant, prosing. 
     Drap, drop. 
     Draunting, tedious. 
     Dree, endure, suffer. 
     Dreigh, v. dreight. 
     Dribble, drizzle. 
     Driddle, to toddle. 
     Dreigh, tedious, dull. 
     Droddum, the breech. 
     Drone, part of the bagpipe. 
     Droop-rumpl’t, short-rumped. 
     Drouk, to wet, to drench. 
     Droukit, wetted. 
     Drouth, thirst. 
     Drouthy, thirsty. 
     Druken, drucken, drunken. 
     Drumlie, muddy, turbid. 
     Drummock, raw meal and cold water. 
     Drunt, the huff. 
     Dry, thirsty. 
     Dub, puddle, slush. 
     Duddie, ragged. 
     Duddies, dim. of duds, rags. 
     Duds, rags, clothes. 
     Dung, v. dang. 
     Dunted, throbbed, beat. 
     Dunts, blows. 
     Durk, dirk. 
     Dusht, pushed or thrown down violently. 
     Dwalling, dwelling. 
     Dwalt, dwelt. 
     Dyke, a fence (of stone or turf), a wall. 
     Dyvor, a bankrupt.

Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.