Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
     Cog, a wooden drinking vessel, a porridge dish, a corn measure for
     Coggie, dim. of cog, a little dish. 
     Coil, Coila, Kyle (one of the ancient districts of Ayrshire). 
     Collieshangie, a squabble. 
     Cood, cud. 
     Coof, v. cuif. 
     Cookit, hid. 
     Coor, cover. 
     Cooser, a courser, a stallion. 
     Coost (i. e., cast), looped, threw off, tossed, chucked. 
     Cootie, a small pail. 
     Cootie, leg-plumed. 
     Corbies, ravens, crows. 
     Core, corps. 
     Corn mou, corn heap. 
     Corn’t, fed with corn. 
     Corse, corpse. 
     Corss, cross. 
     Cou’dna, couldna, couldn’t. 
     Countra, country. 
     Coup, to capsize. 
     Couthie, couthy, loving, affable, cosy, comfortable. 
     Cowe, to scare, to daunt. 
     Cowe, to lop. 
     Crack, tale; a chat; talk. 
     Crack, to chat, to talk. 
     Craft, croft. 
     Craft-rig, croft-ridge. 
     Craig, the throat. 
     Craig, a crag. 
     Craigie, dim. of craig, the throat. 
     Craigy, craggy. 
     Craik, the corn-crake, the land-rail. 
     Crambo-clink, rhyme. 
     Crambo-jingle, rhyming. 
     Cran, the support for a pot or kettle. 
     Crankous, fretful. 
     Cranks, creakings. 
     Cranreuch, hoar-frost. 
     Crap, crop, top. 
     Craw, crow. 
     Creel, an osier basket. 
     Creepie-chair, stool of repentance. 
     Creeshie, greasy. 
     Crocks, old ewes. 
     Cronie, intimate friend. 
     Crooded, cooed. 
     Croods, coos. 
     Croon, moan, low. 
     Croon, to toll. 
     Crooning, humming. 
     Croose, crouse, cocksure, set, proud, cheerful. 
     Crouchie, hunchbacked. 
     Crousely, confidently. 
     Crowdie, meal and cold water, meal and milk, porridge. 
     Crowdie-time, porridge-time (i. e., breakfast-time). 
     Crowlin, crawling. 
     Crummie, a horned cow. 
     Crummock, cummock, a cudgel, a crooked staff. 
     Crump, crisp. 
     Crunt, a blow. 
     Cuddle, to fondle. 
     Cuif, coof, a dolt, a ninny; a dastard. 
     Cummock, v. crummock. 
     Curch, a kerchief for the head. 
     Curchie, a curtsy. 
     Curler, one who plays at curling. 
     Curmurring, commotion. 
     Curpin, the crupper of a horse. 
     Curple, the crupper (i. e., buttocks). 
     Cushat, the wood pigeon. 
     Custock, the pith of the colewort. 
     Cutes, feet, ankles. 
     Cutty, short. 
     Cutty-stools, stools of repentance.

     Dad, daddie, father. 
     Daez’t, dazed. 
     Daffin, larking, fun. 
     Daft, mad, foolish. 
     Dails, planks. 
     Daimen icker, an odd ear of corn. 
     Dam, pent-up water, urine. 
     Damie, dim. of dame. 
     Dang, pret. of ding. 

Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.