Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
     Cauk, chalk. 
     Cauld, cold. 
     Cauldron, caldron. 
     Caup, a wooden drinking vessel. 
     Causey-cleaners, causeway-cleaners. 
     Cavie, a hen-coop. 
     Chamer, chaumer, chamber. 
     Change-house, tavern. 
     Chanter, bagpipes; the pipe of the bag-pipes which produces the
       melody; song. 
     Chap, a fellow, a young fellow. 
     Chap, to strike. 
     Chapman, a pedler. 
     Chaup, chap, a stroke, a blow. 
     Chear, cheer. 
     Chearfu’, cheerful. 
     Chearless, cheerless. 
     Cheary, cheery. 
     Cheek-for-chow, cheek-by-jowl (i.e. close beside). 
     Cheep, peep, squeak. 
     Chiel, chield (i. e., child), a fellow, a young fellow. 
     Chimla, chimney. 
     Chittering, shivering. 
     Chows, chews. 
     Chuck, a hen, a dear. 
     Chuckie, dim. of chuck, but usually signifies mother hen, an old dear. 
     Chuffie, fat-faced. 
     Chuse, to choose. 
     Cit, the civet. 
     Cit, a citizen, a merchant. 
     Clachan, a small village about a church. 
     Claeding, clothing. 
     Claes, claise, clothes. 
     Claith, cloth. 
     Claithing, clothing. 
     Clankie, a severe knock. 
     Clap, the clapper of a mill. 
     Clark, a clerk. 
     Clark, clerkly, scholarly. 
     Clarkit, clerked, wrote. 
     Clarty, dirty. 
     Clash, an idle tale; gossip. 
     Clash, to tattle. 
     Clatter, noise, tattle, talk, disputation, babble. 
     Clatter, to make a noise by striking; to babble; to prattle. 
     Claught, clutched, seized. 
     Claughtin, clutching, grasping. 
     Claut, a clutch, a handful. 
     Claut, to scrape. 
     Claver, clover. 
     Clavers, gossip, nonsense. 
     Claw, a scratch, a blow. 
     Claw, to scratch, to strike. 
     Clay-cauld, clay-cold. 
     Claymore, a two-handed Highland sword. 
     Cleckin, a brood. 
     Cleed, to clothe. 
     Cleek, to snatch. 
     Cleekit, linked arms. 
     Cleg, gadfly. 
     Clink, a sharp stroke; jingle. 
     Clink, money, coin. 
     Clink, to chink. 
     Clink, to rhyme. 
     Clinkin, with a smart motion. 
     Clinkum, clinkumbell, the beadle, the bellman. 
     Clips, shears. 
     Clish-ma-claver, gossip, taletelling; non-sense. 
     Clockin-time, clucking- (i. e., hatching-) time. 
     Cloot, the hoof. 
     Clootie, cloots, hoofie, hoofs (a nickname of the Devil). 
     Clour, a bump or swelling after a blow. 
     Clout, a cloth, a patch. 
     Clout, to patch. 
     Clud, a cloud. 
     Clunk, to make a hollow sound. 
     Coble, a broad and flat boat. 
     Cock, the mark (in curling). 
     Cockie, dim. of cock (applied to an old man). 
     Cocks, fellows, good fellows. 
     Cod, a pillow. 
     Coft, bought. 
Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.