Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
     Brief, writ. 
     Brier, briar. 
     Brig, bridge. 
     Brisket, breast. 
     Brither, brother. 
     Brock, a badger. 
     Brogue, a trick. 
     Broo, soup, broth, water; liquid in which anything is cooked. 
     Brooses, wedding races from the church to the home of the bride. 
     Brose, a thick mixture of meal and warm water; also a synonym for
     Browster wives, ale wives. 
     Brugh, a burgh. 
     Brulzie, brulyie, a brawl. 
     Brunstane, brimstone. 
     Brunt, burned. 
     Brust, burst. 
     Buckie, dim. of buck; a smart younker. 
     Buckle, a curl. 
     Buckskin, Virginian:  the buckskin kye, negroes. 
     Budget, tinker’s bag of tools. 
     Buff, to bang, to thump. 
     Bughtin, folding. 
     Buirdly, stalwart. 
     Bum, the buttocks. 
     Bum, to hum. 
     Bum-clock, beetle, cockchafer, Junebug. 
     Bummle, a drone, a useless fellow. 
     Bunker, a seat. 
     Bunters, harlots. 
     Burdies, dim. of bird or burd (a lady); maidens. 
     Bure, bore. 
     Burn, a rivulet. 
     Burnewin, the blacksmith (i.e., burn the wind). 
     Burnie, dim. of burn, a rivulet. 
     Burr-thistle, spear-thistle. 
     Busk, to dress; to garb; to dress up; to adorn. 
     Buss, a bush. 
     Bussle, bustle. 
     But, without. 
     But, butt, in the kitchen (i.e., the outer apartment). 
     By, past, aside. 
     By, beside. 
     By himsel, beside himself. 
     Bye attour (i.e., by and attour), beside and at a distance. 
     Byke, a bees’ nest; a hive; a swarm; a crowd. 
     Byre, a cow-house.

     Ca’, call, knock, drive. 
     Cadger, a hawker (especially of fish). 
     Cadie, caddie, a fellow. 
     Caff, chaff. 
     Caird, a tinker. 
     Calf-ward, grazing plot for calves (i.e., churchyard). 
     Callan, callant, a stripling. 
     Caller, cool, refreshing. 
     Callet, a trull. 
     Cam, came. 
     Canie, cannie, gentle, tractable, quiet, prudent, careful. 
     Cankrie, crabbed. 
     Canna, can not. 
     Canniest, quietest. 
     Cannilie, cannily, quietly, prudently, cautiously. 
     Cantie, cheerful, lively, jolly, merry. 
     Cantraip, magic, witching. 
     Cants, merry stories, canters or sprees or merry doings. 
     Cape-stanc, copestone. 
     Care na by, do not care. 
     Carl, carle, a man, an old man. 
     Carl-hemp, male-hemp. 
     Carlie, a manikin. 
     Carlin, carline a middle-aged, or old, woman; a beldam, a witch. 
     Carmagnole, a violent Jacobin. 
     Cartes, playing-cards. 
     Cartie, dim. of cart. 
     Catch-the-plack, the hunt for money. 
     Caudron, a caldron. 
     Cauf, calf. 
     Cauf-leather, calf-leather. 

Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.