Brier, briar.
Brig, bridge.
Brisket, breast.
Brither, brother.
Brock, a badger.
Brogue, a trick.
Broo, soup, broth, water; liquid in which anything is cooked.
Brooses, wedding races from the church to the home of the bride.
Brose, a thick mixture of meal and warm water; also a synonym for
Browster wives, ale wives.
Brugh, a burgh.
Brulzie, brulyie, a brawl.
Brunstane, brimstone.
Brunt, burned.
Brust, burst.
Buckie, dim. of buck; a smart younker.
Buckle, a curl.
Buckskin, Virginian: the buckskin kye, negroes.
Budget, tinker’s bag of tools.
Buff, to bang, to thump.
Bughtin, folding.
Buirdly, stalwart.
Bum, the buttocks.
Bum, to hum.
Bum-clock, beetle, cockchafer, Junebug.
Bummle, a drone, a useless fellow.
Bunker, a seat.
Bunters, harlots.
Burdies, dim. of bird or burd (a lady); maidens.
Bure, bore.
Burn, a rivulet.
Burnewin, the blacksmith (i.e., burn the wind).
Burnie, dim. of burn, a rivulet.
Burr-thistle, spear-thistle.
Busk, to dress; to garb; to dress up; to adorn.
Buss, a bush.
Bussle, bustle.
But, without.
But, butt, in the kitchen (i.e., the outer apartment).
By, past, aside.
By, beside.
By himsel, beside himself.
Bye attour (i.e., by and attour), beside and at a distance.
Byke, a bees’ nest; a hive; a swarm; a crowd.
Byre, a cow-house.
Ca’, call, knock,
Cadger, a hawker (especially
of fish).
Cadie, caddie, a fellow.
Caff, chaff.
Caird, a tinker.
Calf-ward, grazing plot
for calves (i.e., churchyard).
Callan, callant, a stripling.
Caller, cool, refreshing.
Callet, a trull.
Cam, came.
Canie, cannie, gentle,
tractable, quiet, prudent, careful.
Cankrie, crabbed.
Canna, can not.
Canniest, quietest.
Cannilie, cannily, quietly,
prudently, cautiously.
Cantie, cheerful, lively,
jolly, merry.
Cantraip, magic, witching.
Cants, merry stories,
canters or sprees or merry doings.
Cape-stanc, copestone.
Care na by, do not care.
Carl, carle, a man,
an old man.
Carl-hemp, male-hemp.
Carlie, a manikin.
Carlin, carline a middle-aged,
or old, woman; a beldam, a witch.
Carmagnole, a violent
Cartes, playing-cards.
Cartie, dim. of cart.
Catch-the-plack, the
hunt for money.
Caudron, a caldron.
Cauf, calf.
Cauf-leather, calf-leather.