Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 836 pages of information about Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.
     Bizz, a flurry. 
     Bizz, buzz. 
     Bizzard, the buzzard. 
     Bizzie, busy. 
     Black-bonnet, the Presbyterian elder. 
     Black-nebbit, black-beaked. 
     Blad, v. blaud. 
     Blae, blue, livid. 
     Blastet, blastit, blasted. 
     Blastie, a blasted (i.e., damned) creature; a little wretch. 
     Blate, modest, bashful. 
     Blather, bladder. 
     Blaud, a large quantity. 
     Blaud, to slap, pelt. 
     Blaw, blow. 
     Blaw, to brag. 
     Blawing, blowing. 
     Blawn, blown. 
     Bleer, to blear. 
     Bleer’t, bleared. 
     Bleeze, blaze. 
     Blellum, a babbler; a railer; a blusterer. 
     Blether, blethers, nonsense. 
     Blether, to talk nonsense. 
     Bletherin’, talking nonsense. 
     Blin’, blind. 
     Blink, a glance, a moment. 
     Blink, to glance, to shine. 
     Blinkers, spies, oglers. 
     Blinkin, smirking, leering. 
     Blin’t, blinded. 
     Blitter, the snipe. 
     Blue-gown, the livery of the licensed beggar. 
     Bluid, blood. 
     Bluidy, bloody. 
     Blume, to bloom. 
     Bluntie, a stupid. 
     Blypes, shreds. 
     Bobbed, curtsied. 
     Bocked, vomited. 
     Boddle, a farthing. 
     Bode, look for. 
     Bodkin, tailor’s needle. 
     Body, bodie, a person. 
     Boggie, dim. of bog. 
     Bogle, a bogie, a hobgoblin. 
     Bole, a hole, or small recess in the wall. 
     Bonie, bonnie, pretty, beautiful. 
     Bonilie, prettily. 
     Bonnock, v.  Bannock. 
     ’Boon, above. 
     Boord, board, surface. 
     Boord-en’, board-end. 
     Boortress, elders. 
     Boost, must needs. 
     Boot, payment to the bargain. 
     Bore, a chink, recess. 
     Botch, an angry tumor. 
     Bouk, a human trunk; bulk. 
     Bountith, bounty. 
     ’Bout, about. 
     Bow-hough’d, bandy-thighed. 
     Bow-kail, cabbage. 
     Bow’t, bent. 
     Brachens, ferns. 
     Brae, the slope of a hill. 
     Braid, broad. 
     Broad-claith, broad-cloth. 
     Braik, a harrow. 
     Braing’t, plunged. 
     Brak, broke. 
     Brak’s, broke his. 
     Brankie, gay, fine. 
     Branks, a wooden curb, a bridle. 
     Bran’y, brandy. 
     Brash, short attack. 
     Brats, small pieces, rags. 
     Brats, small children. 
     Brattle, a scamper. 
     Brattle, noisy onset. 
     Braw, handsome, fine, gaily dressed. 
     Brawlie, finely, perfectly, heartily. 
     Braxies, sheep that have died of braxie (a disease). 
     Breastie, dim. of breast. 
     Breastit, sprang forward. 
     Brechan, ferns. 
     Breeks, breeches. 
     Breer, brier. 
     Brent, brand. 
     Brent, straight, steep (i.e., not sloping from baldness). 
     Brie, v. barley-brie. 
Project Gutenberg
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.