Ba’, a ball.
Backet, bucket, box.
Backit, backed.
Backlins-comin, coming
Back-yett, gate at the
Bade, endured.
Bade, asked.
Baggie, stomach.
Baig’nets, bayonets.
Baillie, magistrate
of a Scots burgh.
Bainie, bony.
Bairn, child.
Bairntime, brood.
Baith, both.
Bakes, biscuits.
Ballats, ballads.
Balou, lullaby.
Ban, swear.
Ban’, band (of
the Presbyterian clergyman).
Bane, bone.
Bang, an effort; a blow;
a large number.
Bang, to thump.
Banie, v. bainie.
Bannet, bonnet.
Bannock, bonnock, a
thick oatmeal cake.
Bardie, dim. of bard.
Barefit, barefooted.
Barket, barked.
Barley-brie, or bree,
barley-brew-ale or whiskey.
Barm, yeast.
Barmie, yeasty.
Barn-yard, stackyard.
Bartie, the Devil.
Bashing, abashing.
Batch, a number.
Batts, the botts; the
Bauckie-bird, the bat.
Baudrons, Baudrans,
the cat.
Bauk, cross-beam.
Bauk, v. bawk.
Bauk-en’, beam-end.
Bauld, bold.
Bauldest, boldest.
Bauldly, boldly.
Baumy, balmy.
Bawbee, a half-penny.
Bawdrons, v. baudrons.
Bawk, a field path.
Baws’nt, white-streaked.
Bear, barley.
Beas’, beasts,
Beastie, dim. of beast.
Beck, a curtsy.
Beet, feed, kindle.
Beild, v. biel.
Belang, belong.
Beld, bald.
Bellum, assault.
Bellys, bellows.
Belyve, by and by.
Ben, a parlor (i.e.,
the inner apartment); into the parlor.
Benmost, inmost.
Be-north, to the northward
Be-south, to the southward
Bethankit, grace after
Beuk, a book: devil’s
pictur’d beuks-playing-cards.
Bicker, a wooden cup.
Bicker, a short run.
Bicker, to flow swiftly
and with a slight noise.
Bickerin, noisy contention.
Bickering, hurrying.
Bid, to ask, to wish,
to offer.
Bide, abide, endure.
Biel, bield, a shelter;
a sheltered spot.
Biel, comfortable.
Bien, comfortable.
Bien, bienly, comfortably.
Big, to build.
Biggin, building.
Bike, v. byke.
Bill, the bull.
Billie, fellow, comrade,
Bings, heaps.
Birdie, dim. of bird;
also maidens.
Birk, the birch.
Birken, birchen.
Birkie, a fellow.
Birr, force, vigor.
Birring, whirring.
Birses, bristles.
Birth, berth.
Bit, small (e.g., bit
Bit, nick of time.
Bitch-fou, completely