As ye hae generous done,
if a’ the land
Would take the Muses’
servants by the hand;
Not only hear, but patronize,
befriend them,
And where he justly
can commend, commend them;
And aiblins when they
winna stand the test,
Wink hard, and say The
folks hae done their best!
Would a’ the land
do this, then I’ll be caition,
Ye’ll soon hae
Poets o’ the Scottish nation
Will gar Fame blaw until
her trumpet crack,
And warsle Time, an’
lay him on his back!
For us and for our Stage,
should ony spier,
“Whase aught thae
chiels maks a’ this bustle here?”
My best leg foremost,
I’ll set up my brow—
We have the honour to
belong to you!
We’re your ain
bairns, e’en guide us as ye like,
But like good mithers
shore before ye strike;
And gratefu’ still,
I trust ye’ll ever find us,
For gen’rous patronage,
and meikle kindness
We’ve got frae
a’ professions, sets and ranks:
God help us! we’re
but poor—ye’se get but thanks.
Lines To A Gentleman,
Who had sent the Poet
a Newspaper, and offered
to continue it free
of Expense.
Kind Sir, I’ve
read your paper through,
And faith, to me, ’twas
really new!
How guessed ye, Sir,
what maist I wanted?
This mony a day I’ve
grain’d and gaunted,
To ken what French mischief
was brewin;
Or what the drumlie
Dutch were doin;
That vile doup-skelper,
Emperor Joseph,
If Venus yet had got
his nose off;
Or how the collieshangie
Atween the Russians
and the Turks,
Or if the Swede, before
he halt,
Would play anither Charles
the twalt;
If Denmark, any body
spak o’t;
Or Poland, wha had now
the tack o’t:
How cut-throat Prussian
blades were hingin;
How libbet Italy was
If Spaniard, Portuguese,
or Swiss,
Were sayin’ or
takin’ aught amiss;
Or how our merry lads
at hame,
In Britain’s court
kept up the game;
How royal George, the
Lord leuk o’er him!
Was managing St. Stephen’s
If sleekit Chatham Will
was livin,
Or glaikit Charlie got
his nieve in;
How daddie Burke the
plea was cookin,
If Warren Hasting’s
neck was yeukin;
How cesses, stents,
and fees were rax’d.
Or if bare arses yet
were tax’d;
The news o’ princes,
dukes, and earls,
Pimps, sharpers, bawds,
and opera-girls;
If that daft buckie,
Geordie Wales,
Was threshing still
at hizzies’ tails;
Or if he was grown oughtlins
And no a perfect kintra
A’ this and mair
I never heard of;
And, but for you, I
might despair’d of.
So, gratefu’,
back your news I send you,
And pray a’ gude
things may attend you.