Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 773 pages of information about Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 2.

Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 773 pages of information about Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 2.

[Certain cantos, to the sixth one, reproach the author of the
treachery and quarrel that led to the war and migration.  Then
follows a series of maxims as to human life and conduct.]


Aweary am I of life’s toil and travail:  he who like me
has seen pass of years fourscore, well may he be sick of life! 
I know what To-day unfolds, what before it was Yesterday;
but blind do I stand before the knowledge To-morrow brings. 
I have seen the Dooms trample men as a blind beast at random treads: 
whom they smote, he died; whom they missed, he lived on to
strengthless eld. 
Who gathers not friends by help, in many cases of need
is torn by the blind beast’s teeth, or trodden beneath its foot. 
And he who his honor shields by the doing of a kindly deed
grows richer; who shuts not the mouth of reviling, it lights on him. 
And he who is lord of wealth and niggardly with his hoard,
alone is he left by his kin; naught have they for him but blame. 
Who keeps faith, no blame he earns, and that man whose heart is led
to goodness unmixed with guile gains freedom and peace of soul. 
Who trembles before the Dooms, yea, him shall they surely seize,
albeit he set a ladder to climb the sky. 
Who spends on unworthy men his kindness with lavish hand;
no praise doth he earn, but blame, and repentance the seed thereof. 
Who will not yield to the spears, when their feet turn to him in
shall yield to the points thereof, and the long flashing blades of
Who holds not his foe away from his cistern with sword and spear,
it is broken and spoiled; who uses not roughness, him shall men
Who seeks far away from kin for housing, takes foe for friend;
who honors himself not well, no honor gains he from men. 
Who makes of his soul a beast of burden to bear men’s loads,
nor shields it one day from shame, yea, sorrow shall be his lot. 
Whatso be the shaping of mind that a man is born withal,
though he think it lies hid from men, it shall surely one day be
How many a man seemed goodly to thee while he held his peace,
whereof thou didst learn the more or less when he turned to speech. 
The tongue is a man’s one-half, the other, the heart within;
besides these two naught is left but a semblance of flesh and blood. 
If a man be old and a fool, his folly is past all cure;
but a young man may yet grow wise and cast off his foolishness.


     We asked, and ye gave; we asked again, and ye gave again: 
       but the end of much asking must be that no giving shall follow it.


A rebuke to a mischief-maker:  Translation of C. J. Lyall

Project Gutenberg
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.