An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis.

An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis.

Hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.20) contains 39.80 per cent HCl by weight, and corresponds to a 13.1 N and 13.1 molal solution.

Nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.20) contains 32.25 per cent HNO_{3} by weight, and corresponds to a 6.1 N and 6.1 molal solution: 

Nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.42) contains 69.96 per cent HNO_{3} by weight, and corresponds to a 15.8 N and 15.8 molal solution.

Sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.8354) contains 93.19 per cent H_{2}so_{4} by weight, and corresponds to a 34.8 N or 17.4 molal solution.

Sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.18) contains 24.74 per cent H_{2}so_{4} by weight, and corresponds to a 5.9 N or 2.95 molal solution.

The term !normal! (N), as used above, has the same significance as in volumetric analyses.  The molal solution is assumed to contain one molecular weight in grams in a liter of solution.

Densities and volumes of water at temperatures from 15-30 deg.C.

Temperature Density.  Volume. 

4 deg.               1.000000        1.000000
15 deg.               0.999126        1.000874
16 deg.               0.998970        1.001031
17 deg.               0.998801        1.001200
18 deg.               0.998622        1.001380
19 deg.               0.998432        1.001571
20 deg.               0.998230        1.001773
21 deg.               0.998019        1.001985
22 deg.               0.997797        1.002208
23 deg.               0.997565        1.002441
24 deg.               0.997323        1.002685
25 deg.               0.997071        1.002938
26 deg.               0.996810        1.003201
27 deg.               0.996539        1.003473
28 deg.               0.996259        1.003755
29 deg.               0.995971        1.004046
30 deg.               0.995673        1.004346

Authority:  Landolt, Boernstein, and Meyerhoffer’s !Tabellen!, third edition.


The values below are average values computed from data relating to a considerable number of solutions.  They are sufficiently accurate for use in chemical analyses, except in the comparatively few cases where the highest attainable accuracy is demanded in chemical investigations.  The expansion coefficients should then be carefully determined for the solutions employed.  For a compilation of the existing data, consult Landolt, Boernstein, and Meyerhoffer’s !Tabellen!, third edition.

                                     Corrections for 1 cc. 
   Concentration. of solution between
                                        15 deg. and 35 deg.C.

Normal                            .00029
0.5 Normal                            .00025
0.1 Normal or more dilute solutions   .00020

The volume of solution used should be multiplied by the values given, and that product multiplied by the number of degrees which the temperature of the solution varies from the standard temperature selected for the laboratory.  The total correction thus found is subtracted from the observed burette reading if the temperature is higher than the standard, or added, if it is lower.  Corrections are not usually necessary for variations of temperature of 2 deg.C. or less.

Project Gutenberg
An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.