5. Compare the abilities of the 10-year-old pupils in the sixth grade with the abilities of the 14-year-old pupils in the same grade, in so far as these abilities are measured by the completion of incomplete sentences.
(Note: 5 = 5.0-5.999.)
================================================== NO. SENTENCES | | COMPLETED | 10-YEAR-OLDS | 14-YEAR-OLDS --------------+--------------+-------------------- 24 |— |— 23 |— |— 22 |— |— 21 |1 |— 20 |— |— 19 |— |— 18 |— |— 17 |— |1 16 |3 |— 15 |— |2 14 |7 |4 13 |10 |3 12 |18 |7 11 |9 |10 10 |7 |9 9 |8 |10 8 |2 |10 7 |3 |10 6 |— |2 5 |2 |3 4 |— |2 3 |— |— 2 |— |1 1 |— |— 0 |— |— ===========================================
6. From the scores given here, calculate the relationship between ability to spell and ability to multiply. Use the average as the central tendency.
============================== PUPIL|SPELLING|MULTIPLICATION -----+--------+--------------- A |9 |22 B |10 |16 C |2 |19 D |6 |14 E |13 |24 F |8 |22 G |10 |17 H |7 |20 I |3 |21 J |2 |21 K |14 |20 L |8 |18 M |7 |23 N |11 |25 O |8 |25 P |17 |24 Q |10 |21 R |4 |16 S |9 |15 T |6 |19 U |12 |22 V |14 |19 W |8 |17 X |3 |20 Y |11 |18 ==============================
* * * * *
Achievements of children,
measuring the,
and examinations,
in English composition,
in arithmetic,
arithmetic scale,
reasoning problems
in arithmetic,
distribution of
hand-writing scores,
handwriting scale,
spelling scale,
scale for English
AEsthetic emotions,
appreciation and
intellectual factors in.
Aim of education, I