The Forty-Niners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Forty-Niners.

The Forty-Niners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Forty-Niners.
and then joining in a chorus or laughing at a joke.  The lad as he saw and heard them sat down upon the bank, his face telling the sad story of his misfortunes.  Though he said nothing he was not unobserved.  At length one of the miners, a stalwart fellow, pointing up to the poor fellow on the bank, exclaimed to his companions, ‘Boys, I’ll work an hour for that chap if you will.’  All answered in the affirmative and picks and shovels were plied with even more activity than before.  At the end of an hour a hundred dollars’ worth of gold-dust was poured into his handkerchief.  As this was done the miners who had crowded around the grateful boy made out a list of tools and said to him:  ’You go now and buy these tools and come back.  We’ll have a good claim staked out for you; then you’ve got to paddle for yourself.’”

Another reason for this distinguished honesty was the extent and incredible richness of the diggings, combined with the firm belief that this richness would last forever and possibly increase.  The first gold was often found actually at the roots of bushes, or could be picked out from the veins in the rocks by the aid of an ordinary hunting-knife.  Such pockets were, to be sure, by no means numerous; but the miners did not know that.  To them it seemed extremely possible that gold in such quantities was to be found almost anywhere for the mere seeking.  Authenticated instances are known of men getting ten, fifteen, twenty, and thirty thousand dollars within a week or ten days, without particularly hard work.  Gold was so abundant it was much easier to dig it than to steal it, considering the risks attendant on the latter course.  A story is told of a miner, while paying for something, dropping a small lump of gold worth perhaps two or three dollars.  A bystander picked it up and offered it to him.  The miner, without taking it, looked at the man with amazement, exclaiming:  “Well, stranger, you are a curiosity.  I guess you haven’t been in the diggings long.  You had better keep that lump for a sample.”

These were the days of the red-shirted miner, of romance, of Arcadian simplicity, of clean, honest working under blue skies and beneath the warm California sun, of immense fortunes made quickly, of faithful “pardners,” and all the rest.  This life was so complete in all its elements that, as we look back upon it, we unconsciously give it a longer period than it actually occupied.  It seems to be an epoch, as indeed it was; but it was an epoch of less than a single year, and it ended when the immigration from the world at large began.

The first news of the gold discovery filtered to the east in a roundabout fashion through vessels from the Sandwich Islands.  A Baltimore paper published a short item.  Everybody laughed at the rumor, for people were already beginning to discount California stories.  But they remembered it.  Romance, as ever, increases with the square of the distance; and this was a remote land.  But soon there came

Project Gutenberg
The Forty-Niners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.