The Forty-Niners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Forty-Niners.

The Forty-Niners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Forty-Niners.

   Cahuenga, Treaty of (1847), 42
   California, inhabitants, 1
     occupation by Spain, 2 et seq
     classes, 5-6
     life of early settlers, 6 et seq
     advent of foreign residents, 13 et seq
     population in 1840, 16-17
     arrival of two parties of settlers (1841), 17
     Fremont’s expedition, 29
     military conquest by U.S., 30 et seq. 
     Mexican laws in, 46-50;
     constitutional convention (1849), 50-52
     influence of discovery of gold, 52-54
     overland migration to, 67 et seq
     journey by way of Panama to, 96 et seq
     life in the gold fields, 107 et seq
     city life in 1849, 119 et seq
     law, 174-176; politics, 176-180
     financial stringency (1855), 181-183
   California Star, the, 123
   Carson, Kit, 38
   Casey, J.P., 191, 192 et seq, 220 et seq
   Chagres in 1849, 99-100
   Cole, Beverly, 202
   Coleman, W.T., 201, 202, 204, 205, 211 et seq, 251
   Cora, Charles, trial of, 189-191
     re-trial by Vigilantes, 225-226

Daily Evening Bulletin, 184-188, 190 Delano, 75 Dempster, Clancey, 201, 202, 204 Den, Nicholas, 14 Doane, Charles, 219 Donner party, 26 Dows, James, 202 Duane, Charles, 235 Durkee, John, 249-251

   Farragut, David, 242
   Farwell, 201
   Fremont, J.C., expedition, 29 et seq
     personal characteristics, 40-41, 44-45
     negotiates treaty with Californians, 42
     appointed Governor of California, 42
     asks permission to form expedition against Mexico, 43-44
     court-martialed and dismissed from service, 44
   Gatun in 1849, 100-01
   Gavilan Peak, U.S. flag raised at, 30
   Gift, Colonel, 218
   Gillespie, Lieutenant, 30, 31-32
   Gold, influence of discovery upon life in California, 52-54;
     discovered by Marshall (1848), 55;
     news brought to East, 62;
     influence in Europe, 65-66;
     the diggings, 106 et seq. 
   Graham, Isaac, 15-16
   Green, Talbot, 172

   Harlan, William, account of overland journey, 68-69;
     quoted, 121;
     experience in San Francisco, 128;
   Hartnell, 14
   Herald, 200
   Hittell, T.H., recounts incidents of overland journey, 70, 72
   Hopkins, Sterling, 251, 252
   Hossefross, 202
   “Hounds,” The, 137-39
   Howard, Volney, 241, 244, 245, 246

   Ide, W.B., 34
   Indian menace to immigrant trains, 71

   Jenkins, John, trial of, 153-156
   Johnson, J.N., Governor of California, 210 et seq. 
   Johnston, Captain, 38

   Kearny.  General Stephen Watts, 37 et seq. 
   Kearny, Woolley, 235
   Kelly, John, 115
   King, James, of William, 183, 184 et seq., 207-08, 227

   Larkin, T.O., 28-29
   “Law and Order” party, 179, 208;
     clash with Vigilantes, 236 et seq. 
   Leese, Jacob, 33

Project Gutenberg
The Forty-Niners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.