Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories.

Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories.

In the morning, all Nuremberg learned that the old wretch had hanged herself, and this was the last event of that kind in the Street Minnesaenger.

The Waters of Death

The warm mineral waters of Spinbronn, situated in the Hundsrueck, several leagues from Pirmesens, formerly enjoyed a magnificent reputation.  All who were afflicted with gout or gravel in Germany repaired thither; the savage aspect of the country did not deter them.  They lodged in pretty cottages at the head of the defile; they bathed in the cascade, which fell in large sheets of foam from the summit of the rocks; they drank one or two decanters of mineral water daily, and the doctor of the place, Daniel Haselnoss, who distributed his prescriptions clad in a great wig and chestnut coat, had an excellent practice.

To-day the waters of Spinbronn figure no longer in the “Codex";[1] in this poor village one no longer sees anyone but a few miserable woodcutters, and, sad to say, Dr. Haselnoss has left!

  [1] A collection of prescriptions indorsed by the Faculty of

All this resulted from a series of very strange catastrophes which lawyer Bremer of Pirmesens told me about the other day.

You should know, Master Frantz (said he), that the spring of Spinbronn issues from a sort of cavern, about five feet high and twelve or fifteen feet wide; the water has a warmth of sixty-seven degrees Centigrade; it is salt.  As for the cavern, entirely covered without with moss, ivy, and brushwood, its depth is unknown because the hot exhalations prevent all entrance.

Nevertheless, strangely enough, it was noticed early in the last century that birds of the neighborhood—­thrushes, doves, hawks—­were engulfed in it in full flight, and it was never known to what mysterious influence to attribute this particular.

In 1801, at the height of the season, owing to some circumstance which is still unexplained, the spring became more abundant, and the bathers, walking below on the greensward, saw a human skeleton as white as snow fall from the cascade.

You may judge, Master Frantz, of the general fright; it was thought naturally that a murder had been committed at Spinbronn in a recent year, and that the body of the victim had been thrown in the spring.  But the skeleton weighed no more than a dozen francs, and Haselnoss concluded that it must have sojourned more than three centuries in the sand to have become reduced to such a state of desiccation.

This very plausible reasoning did not prevent a crowd of patrons, wild at the idea of having drunk the saline water, from leaving before the end of the day; those worst afflicted with gout and gravel consoled themselves.  But the overflow continuing, all the rubbish, slime, and detritus which the cavern contained was disgorged on the following days; a veritable bone-yard came down from the mountain:  skeletons of animals of every kind—­of quadrupeds, birds, and reptiles—­in short, all that one could conceive as most horrible.

Project Gutenberg
Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.