Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories.

Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories.

The judge trembled when he heard these words, but, dominating his emotion, he asked courageously: 

“The name of that man, madame?  Tell us at once the name of the scoundrel!”

Gabriela looked at the judge with an expression of infinite love, as a mother would look at the child she worshiped, and answered:  “By a single word I could drag this man into the depths with me.  But I will not.  No one shall ever know his name, for he has loved me and I love him.  Yes, I love him, although I know he will do nothing to save me!”

The judge half rose from his chair and extended his hands beseechingly, but she looked at him as if to say:  “Be careful!  You will betray yourself, and it will do no good.”

He sank back into his chair, and Gabriela continued her story in a quiet, firm voice: 

“I was forced to marry a man I hated.  I hated him more after I married him than I did before.  I lived three years in martyrdom.  One day there came into my life a man whom I loved.  He demanded that I should marry him, he asked me to fly with him to a heaven of happiness and love.  He was a man of exceptional character, high and noble, whose only fault was that he loved me too much.  Had I told him:  ’I have deceived you, I am not a widow; my husband is living,’ he would have left me at once.  I invented a thousand excuses, but he always answered:  ‘Be my wife!’ What could I do?  I was bound to a man of the vilest character and habits, whom I loathed.  Well, I killed this man, believing that I was committing an act of justice, and God punished me, for my lover abandoned me.  And now I am very, very tired of life, and all I ask of you is that death may come as quickly as possible.”

Gabriela stopped speaking.  The judge had buried his face in his hands, as if he were thinking, but I could see he was shaking like an epileptic.

“Your honor,” repeated Gabriela, “grant my request that I may die soon.”

The judge made a sign to the guards to remove the prisoner.

Before she followed them, she gave me a terrible look in which there was more of pride than of repentance.

* * * * *

I do not wish to enter into details of the condition of the judge during the following day.  In the great emotional struggle which took place, the officer of the law conquered the man, and he confirmed the sentence of death.

On the following day the papers were sent to the Court of Appeals, and then Zarco came to me and said:  “Wait here until I return.  Take care of this unfortunate woman, but do not visit her, for your presence would humiliate instead of consoling her.  Do not ask me whither I am going, and do not think that I am going to commit the very foolish act of taking my own life.  Farewell, and forgive me all the worry I have caused you.”

Twenty days later the Court of Appeals confirmed the sentence, and Gabriela Zahara was placed in the death cell.

Project Gutenberg
Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.