A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

These several proclamations were at the request of the Secretary of the Interior.

As will be seen by the report of the Secretary of War, the military forces of the United States have been repeatedly employed to remove intruders from the lands in question, and that notwithstanding such removals and in disregard of law and the Executive proclamations a large body of intruders is now within the territory in question, and that an adequate force of troops has been ordered to remove the intruders and is now being concentrated for that purpose.

None of the land or general laws of the United States have been extended over these lands except as to the punishment for crimes and other provisions contained in the intercourse act which relate to trade and the introduction of spirituous liquors and arms among Indians, and do not sanction settlement.  It is clear that no authorized settlement can be made by any person in the territory in question.

Until the existing status of these lands shall have been changed by agreement with the Indians interested, or in some other manner as may be determined by Congress, the treaties heretofore made with the Indians should be maintained and the power of the Government to the extent necessary should be exercised to keep off intruders and all unauthorized persons.


[Footnote 25:  See Vol.  VII, pp. 547-548.]

[Footnote 26:  See Vol.  VII, pp. 598-599.]

[Footnote 27:  See pp. 224-225.]

EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 29, 1885.

To the House of Representatives:

In response to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 5th of January, 1885, calling for information as to the Kongo conference at Berlin, I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of State of the 28th instant, in relation to the subject.


EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 29, 1885.

To the Senate and House of Representatives:

I transmit herewith a communication of 27th instant, with inclosures, from the Secretary of the Interior, in relation to objections on the part of the Creek Nation of Indians to pending legislation providing for the opening up to homestead settlement of certain lands in the Indian Territory.

The matter is presented to the consideration of the Congress.


EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 29, 1885.

To the House of Representatives:

In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives (which was concurred in by the Senate) of January 28, 1885, I return herewith the bill (H.R. 1017) relative to the Inspector-General’s Department of the Army.


EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 30, 1885.

To the Senate and House of Representatives:

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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.