In response to the resolution of the Senate of the 5th of December last, respecting the execution by the United States of the ninth article of the treaty of 1819 with Spain, I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of State and its accompanying papers.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, April 22, 1884.
To the Senate of the United States:
I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of State, in response to a resolution of the Senate of February 29, 1884, requesting information concerning the respective average production, consumption, exportation, and importation of wheat, rye, corn, and cotton in foreign countries, together with statistics showing the production and surplus or deficiency in the crops of the past two years in each of such countries, an estimate of the probable requirements of such products from the United States to meet the wants of these countries before the crops of the coming crop year are ready for market, and other available information concerning the questions to which the resolution refers.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, April 24, 1884.
To the House of Representatives:
I transmit herewith, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 21st instant, a report of the Secretary of State, with the accompanying papers, in relation to the threatened confiscation of the American college at Rome by the Italian Government.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, April 28, 1884.
To the House of Representatives:
I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of State, in relation to the bill for the support of the diplomatic and consular services.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, May 3, 1884.
To the House of Representatives:
I transmit herewith, for your consideration, a communication from the Secretary of State, recommending the appropriation of the sum of $22,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to meet the proper obligations of the Government on account of the courteous services of the various umpires of the late American-Spanish Commission.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, May 6, 1884.
To the Senate of the United States:
In answer to the resolution of the Senate of March 12, 1884, requesting to be furnished with a copy of correspondence between this Government and that of China respecting the Ward claims and the claim of Charles E. Hill, I herewith submit a letter of the Secretary of State, together with its accompanying papers.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, May 6, 1884.
To the Senate and House of Representatives:
I transmit herewith, for the information of Congress, a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a copy of the report of the Utah Commission.