Grettir answered, “Deeds done will be told of.”
Of Thorstein Dromond’s Arms, and what he deemed they might do.
Now Grettir was with Thorstein for the rest of the winter and on into the spring; and it befell one morning, as those brothers, Thorstein and Grettir, lay in their sleeping-loft, that Grettir had laid his arms outside the bed-clothes; and Thorstein was awake and saw it. Now Grettir woke up a little after, and then spake Thorstein:
“I have seen thine arms, kinsman,” said he, “and I deem it nowise wonderful, though thy strokes fall heavy on many, for no man’s arms have I seen like thine.”
“Thou mayst know well enough,” said Grettir, “that I should not have brought such things to pass as I have wrought, if I were not well knit.”
“Better should I deem it,” said Thorstein, “if they were slenderer and somewhat luckier withal.”
Grettir said, “True it is, as folk say, No man makes himself; but let me see thine arms,” said he.
Thorstein did so; he was the longest and gauntest of men; and Grettir laughed, and said,
“No need to look at that longer; hooked together are the ribs in thee; nor, methinks, have I ever seen such tongs as thou bearest about, and I deem thee to be scarce of a woman’s strength.”
“That may be,” said Thorstein; “yet shall thou know that these same thin arms shall avenge thee, else shall thou never be avenged; who may know what shall be, when all is over and done?”
No more is told of their talk together; the spring wore on, and Grettir took ship in the summer. The brothers parted in friendship, and saw each other never after.
Of the Death of Asmund the Grey haired.
Now must the tale be taken up where it was left before, for Thorbiorn Oxmain heard how Thorbiorn Tardy was slain, as aforesaid, and broke out into great wrath, and said it would please him well that now this and now that should have strokes in his garth.
Asmund the Greyhaired lay long sick that summer, and when he thought his ailings drew closer on him, he called to him his kin, and said that it was his will, that Atli should have charge of all his goods after his day.
“But my mind misgives me,” said Asmund, “that thou mayst scarce sit quiet because of the iniquity of men, and I would that all ye of my kin should help him to the uttermost but of Grettir nought can I say, for methinks overmuch on a whirling wheel his life turns; and though he be a mighty man, yet I fear me that he will have to heed his own troubles more than the helping of his kin: but Illugi, though he be young, yet shall he become a man of prowess, if he keep himself whole.”
So, when Asmund had settled matters about his sons as he would, his sickness lay hard on him, and in a little while he died, and was laid in earth at Biarg; for there had he let make a church; but his death his neighbours deemed a great loss.